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Hazel Farrant

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Hazel Report 29 Sep 2006 18:41

Hazel Lilian Farrant I am trying to find my grandmothers family the only detail I have are as listed below. Lilian May Farrant Born 13th January 1905 St George District of Bristol Married Edward Henry Butchers December 1925 Had 1 son Leslie Edward Auberry Butchers born July 13th 1926 Lilian died of TB on 22nd July 1929 at Ham Green Hospital. Her father my great grandfather lived in the railway cottages near Templemeads Station I believe he was a fireman but I could be wrong I remember visiting him when I was about 9/10 years old, I am not sure when he died. I do not remember his wife at all. If any one can help I would be delighted as I was named after her and when I was divorced took her maiden name as mine.


Malcolm Report 7 Apr 2015 08:48

Hazel, I'm doing the "Butchers" family tree Edward Henry was my Grans brother (Mums side of family) If you found it hard to find the 1911 census it's because Lillian is known as "Lillie" also there is Her father Tom born about 1882, died 1966, Bristol, his wife Mary Jane Hibbard Born 1880, died 1942,Bristol, The children were Tom (1903), Lillian (1905) & Willie (1908), In 1911 they were living at 19 Albion Road, Easton, Bristol. - hope this helps. Malcolm


greyghost Report 7 Apr 2015 08:54

Malcolm, welcome to the boards. You may not have noticed, but Hazel posted her query 9 years ago and even if she is still a member, is probably not looking back to this. You could try clicking on her name and can then send her a personal message. If she still has the same email address that she had when she registered with GR, they will notify her that there is a message for her.