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MARSHALLS from Kawakawa, NZ orig from IRELAND

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ArgyllGran Report 16 May 2015 10:28

Related thread:


Unknown Report 16 May 2015 02:55


Robert was my great grandfather and I am stuck trying to find more info on him, including his actual birth date in 1843. He was 31 when he married in January 1875, and 56 in September of 1899 when he died. I have his marriage and death certificates but they don't list a lot of details. There were a lot of obituary notices on his death found in PapersPast and one lists his birthplace as Dungannon in County Tyrone.

I have some information on his emigration on the ship "Mary Shepherd" with a note saying fellow passengers William D and Mary Ann Leslie were Robert's cousins.

I have searched Roots Ireland with no birth results that match.

Any one with suggestions I would welcome your help :)

Many thanks


Unknown Report 15 May 2015 23:30

Ref grey ghost - I am looking for ancestors and descendants of any of the names listed above. I know the NZ record site you quote as I have got most of my info from them. So, to add further detail, here we go (I will start new threads for descendants):

born 1843 Dungannon, Ireland.
Robert was part of the Bay of Islands Special Settlement party and emigrated from UK on the ship "Mary Shepherd" 16.2.1866 to Northland, NZ.
Later he became a storekeeper and largest buyer of kauri gum in the district and the licensee of the Junction Hotel at Kawakawa, moving to Towai where he ran the Towai Hotel where he died suddenly on 10.9.1899.
Robert married at Whangae on 21.1.1875 to

Margaret Jane STEWART
born 1857 Co Antrim, Ireland, died 16.8.1938 Kawakawa, NZ
emigrated 1868 aged 8 on "Dauntless" ship with
father HENRY STEWART b.1836 Ireland, d 27.10.1912 and
mother MARY ANN BIRCH b 1836 d 21.9.1926 and
brother WILLIAM (Billie) b. 1864 d. 1957
brother THOMAS DAUNTLESS STEWART b 1865 on board ship d.1905
I have more info on STEWARTS but keen to pursue more info on MARSHALLS

Robert and Margaret Jane MARSHALL had 18 children born in Kawakawa or Towai, Bay of Islands, Northland, NZ

1. THOMAS MARSHALL born 1875, died 1955 married 1900 to
Elizabeth Dodd b 1878 d 1937 they had at least 10 children:
MAY b 1901, THOMAS b 1903 d 16.4.1904, WILLIAM b 1906, HENRY b 1907, LILY b 1908, BENJAMIN b 1910, IVY b 1911, ROBERT b 1912, KENNETH b 1914
daughter b 1915.

2. GEORGE b 1876, d 1907 m 1898 to (1) Bertha Collins b. 1876 d. 1905
and (2) Emily Grace Eslick. George had 4 children from Bertha:

3. HENRY b 1877 d 1907;

4. ROBERT b 1878 d1897;

5. MARY ANN b 1880 d 1916 m in 1900 to David Forsyth; 5 children

6. WILLIAM b 1881, d 1894;

7. FREDERICK b 1882, d 1961 m in 1905 to Louisa Boswell, 5 children

8. BENJAMIN b 1884, d 1911 m in 1908 to Amelia Alexander, 1 daughter

9. JOHN b 1885 d 1955 m 1. Hilda Anderson ( 1 son) and 2. Mary Lee (1 son)

10. SARAH b 1886, d 1887

11. MARGARET JANE b 1888, d 1904

12. ISABELLA b 1889, d 1964 m in 1912 to Leonard Cuthbert Hamilton, children

13. JAMES (Jim) b 1890, d 1970 m in 1922 to Lillian Finey, 4 children

14. STEWART b 1892, d 1892

15. ANNIE b 1893, d 1961 m in 1913 to James Wilfred Goodhue, 3 children

16. ELLEN b 1895 d 1896

17. EDWARD b 1896 d 1968 m in 1942 to Mabel Irene Brown, children

18. RICHARD b 1898 d 1898 14 weeks old


Cynthia Report 14 May 2015 13:52

I'll let Julie know that she has a reply to her query :-)


greyghost Report 13 May 2015 12:11

Welcome to the boards Julie. What information are you looking for?

If you have the dates of marriage (which you appear to have ) it would help if you amend your opening post to include these, to save helpers looking for them and duplicating research already done. It will also help when looking for their children. You have to pay to purchase the record. You can use the free site below to then look for children of the marriages and possibly their marriages

eg. Frederick Marshall married Louisa Boswell 1905

Registration Number Bride's Given Name(s) Bride's Family Name
Groom's GivenName(s) Groom's Family Name
1905/2727 Louisa Boswell Frederick Marshall

which gives these probable children
Registration Number Family Name Given Name(s) Mother's GivenName(s) Father's Given Name(s) Still Birth
1911/18691 Marshall Herbert William Louisa Frederick - Order Product
1907/14992 Marshall George Frederick Louisa Frederick - Order Product
1909/17890 Marshall Louisa Olive Louisa Frederick - Order Product
1913/7556 Marshall NR Louisa Frederick S Order Product <<<< S for stillbirth

There is a privacy of 100 years for births (50 for stillbirths), 80 years for marriages and 50 years for deaths


Unknown Report 13 May 2015 11:08

Any info on the above also parents of ROBERT believed to be GEORGE MARSHALL born in County Tyrone, Ireland and SARAH LESLIE :-)


Unknown Report 13 May 2015 11:06

Relatives of ROBERT MARSHALL born 1843 Dungannon, Ireland, died NZ 10.9.1899, married Margaret Jane STEWART b 1857, d 16.8.1938
They had 18 children born in Kawakawa or Towai, Bay of Islands, Northland, NZ
THOMAS born 1875, died 1955 married Elizabeth Dodd,
GEORGE born 1876, died 1907 m 1. Bertha Collins and 2. Emily Grace Eslick;
HENRY b 1877 d 1907; ROBERT b 1878 d1897;
MARY ANN b 1880 d 1916 m David Forsyth;
WILLIAM b 1881, d 1894;
FREDERICK b 1882, d 1961 m Louisa Boswell
BENJAMIN b 1884, d 1911 m Amelia Alexander
JOHN b 1885 d 1955 m 1. Hilda Anderson and 2. Mary Lee
SARAH b 1886, d 1887
MARGARET JANE b 1888, d 1904
ISABELLA b 1889, d 1964 m Leonard Cuthbert Hamilton
JAMES (Jim) b 1890, d 1970 m Lillian Finey
STEWART b 1892, d 1892
ANNIE b 1893, d 1961 m James Wilfred Goodhue
ELLEN b 1895 d 1896
EDWARD b 1896 d 1968 married Mabel Irene Brown
RICHARD b 1898 d 1898