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Family in Leslie/Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland

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Jack Report 26 May 2015 16:06

Hi Sandra,

I am sorry about private messaging you. ( getting old and forgetfull).

Thank you for the information. I will try ti look up that which you mentioned. Don't spend any money or credits on my behalf as while this genealogy becomes a sickness , as I am at the end of my tree, ( it really is too large now..
But thank you for your interest.


Thank you for your information. The family that you sent is my Great gandfathers family who I have know about for many years. One of the sons ( George was my grand father who I knew very well here in Canada. )

Thank you all who took interest.


Jack Steele
Ontario, Canada


rootgatherer Report 26 May 2015 15:19

Previous threads showing the info Jack already has


Jacqueline Report 26 May 2015 13:35

for INFO

1881 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
99, Main Street, Eastwood, Renfrewshire, Scotland

First name(s) Last name Relationship Marital status Gender Age Birth year Occupation Birth place
John Steele Head Married Male 36 1845 General Blacksmith Inverkeithing, Fife, Scotland Transcription
Margaret Steele Wife Married Female 26 1855 Power Loom Cotton Weaver Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland Transcription
Catherine Steele Daughter - Female 4 1877 - Pollokshaws, Renfrewshire, Scotland Transcription
John Steele Son - Male 2 1879 - Pollokshaws, Renfrewshire, Scotland Transcription
William Steele Son - Male 0 1881 - Pollokshaws, Renfrewshire, Scotland Transcription
James Green Brother-In-Law Unmarried Male 22 1859 Freestone Quarrier Bishopbriggs, Stirlingshire, Scotland Transcription
Hector Green Brother-In-Law Unmarried Male 16 1865 Apprentice Moulder Pollokshaws, Renfrewshire, Scotland Transcription
William Moodie Boarder Unmarried Male 18 1863 Baker Inverkeithing, Fife, Scotland Transcription
Elizabeth Green Servant Unmarried Female 25 1856 General Servant Domestic Galston, Ayrshire, Scotland


Jacqueline Report 26 May 2015 13:24

Fife and Berwickshire are a long way apart...........

and you appear only to have info about the 'parents' from the son's marriage cert


Jacqueline Report 26 May 2015 13:18



Jacqueline Report 26 May 2015 13:13

PM received...........not sure why

Thank you for your interest. I have been . told that Leslie information is in Glenrothes. But I cannot find any one that knows about this.
My GGgrandfather John Steele had two sons born in Leslie, James in 1843 and John in 1845.
I found the boys in the 1851 census at Inverkeithing being looked after by a woman unrelated. Their room and board was being paid by the local Parish. While I cannot find any information on John Steele sr. after 1845 nor James Steele after 1851 census, On John Steele's jr. wedding certificate, there is written that The father was John Steele of Leslie and the mother was Isabella Douglas of Berwickshire. I have no information confirming this.

Any way if I can get in touch with anyone at a family history centre in GlenRothes Fife I would appreciate
that effort. Or with anyone that does Genealogy in Glenrothes/Leslie. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

NB. I have been intouch with the secretary of the Fife Family history center ,
they have no information on this family. Nor does Scotland's People.

Jack Steele
Ontario, Canada


mgnv Report 25 May 2015 22:15

Check out

In particular - Library local collections & - Libraries and Archives


Jacqueline Report 25 May 2015 09:57

What are you looking for?

What research have you managed to do yourself so far?


Sandra Report 25 May 2015 09:53

I may be able to help if you let me know which Leslie families you're interested in.


greyghost Report 22 May 2015 07:53

Might be able to help -

The Scottish Association of Family History Societies
The Scottish Association of Family History Societies promotes and encourages the study of Scottish family history, and provides a forum for the exchange of



Vicci Report 22 May 2015 07:01

have you tried

also Clan Leslie Society


Jack Report 22 May 2015 01:10

Thank you for the information, I have been in touch with the secretary of the Fife family history org. To no avail. I really need to talk to someone from Glenrothes or from Leslie if possible.

Again Thank you both.


Jack Steele
Ontario, Canada


KathleenBell Report 21 May 2015 22:45

I can't help with any knowledge of a genealogy group in Glenrothes I'm afraid, but the nearest LDS Family History Centre seems to be at Kirkaldy. This is the address:-

Kirkcaldy Scotland Family History Center
Winifred Crescent
Forth Park

Tel: +44 0 159-264 0041

I have always found the staff at these centres very willing to help.

Kath. x


GlitterBaby Report 21 May 2015 22:41

Do you use Facebook ?

There is a group called Fife Family History Society

They have their own site as well


Jack Report 21 May 2015 22:32

Does any one know of a genealogy person or group in the Glenrothes Fife area. Visited Leslie ( next door to Glenrothes ) where my GGgrandfather lived but no one I found knew anything about a genealogy group or person looking at genealogy. Apparently so I am told, there is a genealogy group in Glenrothes, Fife.

Any information would be appreciated.


Jack Steele
Ontario, Canada