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Valerie Report 5 Apr 2016 16:33

No I will try.
Is there a way to report a missing household?


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Apr 2016 12:25

You're not having much luck, are you?

Even scrolling one image back and forward the house number isn't listed. Have you tried to go further than that in case its been misfiled?


Valerie Report 4 Apr 2016 12:15

Just done the address search and guess what number 30 Ashboune is not there?
Numbers 29 and 31 there but 30 missing? Seems like I can't get anywhere with this?


Valerie Report 4 Apr 2016 12:03

Thanks to everyone.
I have now got my Grandfathers death certificate (thanks Greyghost) which lists them living in Ashborne road Stockton in July 1939. My Dad's also James birth certificate had them living in Crofton Street in. 1931.
Mary's first marriage was to an Elgie. She had 2 children from that marriage Leo and Winifred. Children from the Waid marriage was Lily, Sadie (Sarah) and my Dad.
Leo, Lily and my dad all dies in the 1990's so are not on the opened records.
The others are still living.
I will try the address search now I have that from the death certificate.


Rambling Report 22 Mar 2016 18:44

Do you have the marriage cert for Mary and James or birth cert for your father? just thinking as it's not too long before, Mary might be at the same address, and if so it might show up on address search?


Rambling Report 22 Mar 2016 18:00

oh right so Mary was Mary Woolridge married Elgie and then James Waid?


Rambling Report 22 Mar 2016 17:59

what's quite interesting is there is your father's birth Waid/Elgie and then there are some other Waid births with a different mmn ?


Rambling Report 22 Mar 2016 17:30

I note there is a postem attached to the marriage on freebmd, that this is Mary's second you know who the first one was to?


greyghost Report 22 Mar 2016 17:11

What was your dad's first name if you're happy to give it? Did he have any siblings?

Records are being opened all the time - one day my Dad born 1917 wasn't there and now he is, as is an uncle - both deceased now. Perhaps they can be traced that way.


Valerie Report 22 Mar 2016 16:52

Yes that is Mary, the DOB and death match.
Thanks for the James Waid death, I will follow it up, I may have the wrong one which will explain why he isn't on the 1939 survey, but not Mary.


greyghost Report 22 Mar 2016 16:34

What years were they born?
Is this Mary's death? Cleveland RD covers Stockton at this time

England & Wales deaths 1837-2007
First name(s) MARY
Last name WAID
Gender Female
Birth day 23
Birth month 8
Birth year 1897
Age -
Death quarter 1
Death year 1976
County Yorkshire
Volume 3
Page 3069

Not finding a death for James 1950
There is this which covers Stockton at the time and would make James around the same age as Mary
Deaths Sep 1939 (>99%)
Waid James 44 Durham S. E. 10a 57 Scan available - click to view


Valerie Report 22 Mar 2016 16:22

I have searched this for my grandparents James and Mary Waid who I know were living in Stockton on Tees at this time.
I have been unable to find them despite putting in name variables and widening the search to other areas. James died in 1950 and Mary in 1976 so no reason for this to be a closed record. My Dad died in 1998 so I cant ask him to confirm where they were living but he never mentioned ever moving away from Stockton in his younger days, he was 8 when WW2 broke out.
Can anyone suggest anything else I can try.