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Baxter - Scotland

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AustinQ Report 2 Apr 2016 12:39


Name: John Baxter
Age: 15
Estimated birth year: abt 1826
Gender: Male
Where born: Renfrewshire, Scotland
Civil Parish: Greenock Middle
County: Renfrewshire
Address: Ministers Close
Occupation: Ap Carpenter
Parish Number: 564
Household Members:
Name Age
Margaret Baxter 45
Daniel Baxter 25
John Baxter 15
Hugh Baxter 12
Archd Mckellar 25
Alexr Mckellar 16


AustinQ Report 2 Apr 2016 12:37

Have you seen the original 1871? Or just a transcription?

1851 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
7, East Quay Lane, Greenock, 2nd District Ward of Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland

Margaret Baxter Head Widow Female 60 1791 Maintaind By Her Son Earnings Here & At Glasgow Greenock, Renfrewshire,
John Baxter Son Married Male 30 1821 Carpenter Kerry, Argyllshire, Scotland
John Baxter Grand Child - Male 0 1851 - Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland

1861 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
Dalrymple Street, Greenock, Middle Parish Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland
Margaret Baxter Head Widow Female 72 1789 - Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland
John Baxter Grand Son Unmarried Male 12 1849 Fleshers Message Boy Greenock, Renfrewshire,
Isabella Hunter Visitor Widow Female 62 1799 - Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 2 Apr 2016 12:27

Is this them on the 1871 census

Engalnd Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
Vennel, 71, Greenock, West Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland

John McEwan Head Married Male 64 1807 Formery Cellarman Renfrewshire, Scotland
Mary McEwan Wife Married Female 63 1808 - Renfrewshire, Scotland
Mary McEwan Daughter Unmarried Female 21 1850 French Polisher Renfrewshire, Scotland
Geo Taylor Boarder Married Male 54 1817 Joiner Renfrewshire, Scotland
John Baxter Boarder Widower Male 46 1825 Ship Carpenter Rothesay, Buteshire, Scotland
John Baxter Son Unmarried Male 21 1850 Ship Carpenter Renfrewshire, Scotland

Liz 47

Liz 47 Report 2 Apr 2016 12:16

My great grandfather, John Baxter, was born in Greenock l849, the son of John Baxter and Elisabeth nee Miller. We believe Elisabeth died soon after the birth on John (l849). On the l87l census John (l849) and his father are lodging in Greenock. John senior states he was born on Bute, but we have not been able to trace him there. We have found a lot of John Baxters born about l826, but none on Bute. Can anyone help please,
Thanks, Liz nee Baxter.