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Michael Moon

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LadyKira Report 5 Jun 2016 17:20

This is the book on line.

I know it is an old thread but if any of the contributers are still around I have both of these families on my tree and can take the back to William the conquerer.. I will be visiting Dunster and East Quantox head in July.


MargaretM Report 27 Mar 2015 19:58

Gerry, you have added to an old thread. You could always click on Michael's name and send a personal message.

However I did check Abebooks and they have E-book copies of that book for sale.

A history of Dunster and of the families of Mohun & Luttrell v. 1
Lyte Henry Churchill Maxwell Sir


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Item Description: 2013. Book Condition: New. ***This is the EBook version (.pdf format) of the 1909 edition. Scanned from the original book !!** You will be receiving the text of this book via download. An email will be sent shortly to your email address containing the download instructions. This is an ebook. All sales final unless there is illegibility to text. Bookseller Inventory # 192216

From this site:

Edit: There are also some copies on ebay.


merrygoon Report 27 Mar 2015 19:32

Hi Michael

Although Prior Richard MOONE was the prior of Bolton Abbey in the West Riding of Yorkshire I rarely see references to this side of the family - are they connected do you know?

Would you know where I can gain access to the book written by Maxwell Lyte 'A History of Dunster and of the families of Mohun and Luttrell' that you mention above

Gerry Moon


Gillian Report 4 Aug 2008 18:32

Hi Nicholas,
I'm trying to find Frank Moon c1875 from Goudhurst - would he be part of your family?


Hannah Report 11 May 2008 21:51

Dear Michael

I would be very interested in any information you could give on the Moon History in Somerset C1750's and back further, I have traced my relatives (from my mother who was a moon) right back to William Moon b.c1750 and married to a Hannah, but have not got any further back. Most of my Moons are from Somerset, particularly Mark, Somerset. It is belived that they were very obscure decendants of the De Mohuns of Dunster. Would welcome any help you could give.


Nicholas Report 6 Sep 2007 10:26

hi i would be really interested in attending you moon event
i believe my moon relatives all come from yalding in kent one was a lay preacher
the others were i believe farm workers
some emigrated to canada
some moved to london
any information would be much appreciated


Sheila Report 29 Aug 2007 13:49

Hello Michael,
The research you have done is amazing and most interesting.
My grandmother was Eliza Moon.born in Tunbridge Wells, Kent in 1878. I have traced the family back as far as 1610 a Thomas Moon from Rotherfield, Sussex. I would be very interested to here if there is a connection with your tree, and of course any more on the history of the family.
Kind regards
Sheila Austen


Marilyn Report 27 Aug 2007 19:04

I am totally stuck on my grandads family.
He was William Moon born in 1885 in I believe Paulton, Somerset but came to South Wales to look for work in the mines
I have his wedding certificate to Martha Harris stating that his father was Frank Moon deceased.
Please please is there anyone out there that can help


Sharman Report 24 Aug 2007 14:37


I would also be interested in any information on your Moons, I have Moon in my family tree and they seem to be in the Kirham, Lancashire area.



Lynda Report 24 Aug 2007 10:22

just read your posting on genes reunited and would be very interested in any info you have on the moons i am by no means in your league of tracing family history and am only just starting out. My moons lived mostly in south wales and somerset but we are probably all from the same souce so whatever info you could share would be gratefully received
Lynda Steele


Michael Report 30 Jun 2007 18:28

There is a wealth of knowledge about the Moon name and history in a two volume book written by Maxwell Lyte 'A History of Dunster and of the families of Mohun and Luttrell' I have used this and a lot of other research to trace my own tree back to 1066 and beyond in Normandy. The original seat of the De Mohuns was Moyon in Normandy. Mohun was spelt in many ways Moion, Moyon, Mohun etc but was pronounced Moon at quite an early period. In my own case the official name change from Mohun to Moon happend in the mid 1700's by letters patent. The original seat in England was Dunster Castle and the family was very prominent in the west country from !066 - 1650 and spread out from there.Would be happy to give more detailed information if required. I am thinking of organising a Moon event for thos who might be interested.