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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 Jun 2024 19:22

Did'nt really get back out in the garden as I did a bit of strimming and the battery ran out and I could'nt get it off to charge it up so I went up to Hazel andJonathons and Jonathon got it off for me. Then we all had a good natter so I came back down here at 6.18pm and fed the girls and put the battery on charge and got the washing in and now its time for dinner.

Hope you all got on better than I did this afternoon. I always seem to get on better in the mornings than in the afternoons.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 Jun 2024 16:19

I hav'nt got back out there yet. I did the shop and called in at a friends to tell them my neighbour is getting rid of some big pots for free came home and lots of the pots had gone but I did manage to get her two bags of the larger pots and they are calling in for them tomorrow about 10.30am.

Vera hope the head feels better so you can enjoy your natter with M & V this afternoon. They'll have lots to tell you about if they have been away and seen the daughter and SIL.

Anng you've been very busy again today. It must be starting to look a lot better now you have somethings planted up all ready for the growing season. I bought a cue plant down the shop today so I need to get that in a pot and my tom plant and they can go in the little greenhouse.


AnninGlos Report 1 Jun 2024 15:45

Yes it is a shame that Gill doesn't post now. Hope all is ok with them.

I had lunch then went back out and found the hanging baskets I will need. Potted up two of them, one with a tumbler tomato and the other with petunias. I had another go at the honeysuckle that was so out of control. The perfume is lovely but it sends out huge long trainers that choke everything. I have also spotted a blackberry that is growing near where I chopped one down I will have a go at that tomorrow. I just weeded a few pots on the gravel and then came in finished for today. It is very overcast and a bit windy so not nice working out there really.


MillymollyAmanda Report 1 Jun 2024 14:08

We've had a good morning we've potted up the cucumbers and a few pots of toms ,moved the wheelie bins behind the fence in front of the shed and Colin put a couple of runners in place where the plants he had put in hadn't taken as well as the others .
I got a full line of washing in as it was all dry so I've folded them and put them away the airing cupboard .
It could do with a good sweep up outside as the petals from the roses are everywhere but its a bit to windy to make a good job of it .

Sounds as if your getting your cupboards sorted Vera with OH's help ,hope your headache soon eases and you can enjoy a nice cuppa with your friends this afternoon.

Anng you've been getting your toms potted up to I see ,take it easy with your leg do a little bit and then have a rest .
I love honeysuckle we had one in the garden but it got so woody so we pulled it out but I'm thinking of getting Colin to cut the legs down on the two wooden troughs he made and having some trellis put on the back and planting a honeysuckle in one and something else not sure what yet in the other .

Mel I take it you enjoyed your cakes from the shop as you've got two more saved for you .

Well done Ann getting on the course ,we'll look forward to seeing some of your drawings :-)
Is OH's back better .

I wonder if we'll ever here from Gill again its ages since she last posted ,they must be getting on well with the bungalow and garden now.


AnninGlos Report 1 Jun 2024 12:57

I am tackling the garden slowly (literally).
I now have the three main tomato plants in situ these are the ones on the patio and are in tomato pots in a wooden container so have to have bamboo supports all in place. I have done that and have three tomatoes there. Alicante, Makaska and red currant. Next I cut back a wildly overgrown (while I was away) honeysuckle so I coule get last years geranium basket out on a hook. that doesn't sound much but filling the tomato pots, taking out half the soil in the wooden trough like container and setting up the bamboo frame took ages.

will have an early lunch now and then this afternoon I will fill the hanging baskets and pots to take the stuff I bought on Thursday. Luckily I cleared all the washing yesterday.


SuffolkVera Report 1 Jun 2024 12:06

Morning all

It's cloudy, not too warm and still quite breezy but at least there's no rain forecast for today. I slept quite well last night but my head's a bit woozy and achy. I try not to take more pills than absolutely necessary but if it gets any worse I shall have to take my tabs to stop it turning into a full blown migraine.

OH cleaned the two corner cupboards in the kitchen for me and I sorted through all the food in there. I don't take much notice of "Best before" dates, particularly on tinned stuff but a couple of things were so far out of date that I checked them carefully. I think each time the cupboards have been cleaned over the last few years I've kept putting them back as "still OK" but this time I did get rid of a tin of syrup and a tin of treacle. They only ever got used for cakes and I don't bake much these days. There was also a tin of pilchards that I left out as I thought pilchards on toast would do for our snack lunch, then I thought I'd better just check them. Well, they are now in the bin. They were in tomato sauce which had gone as liquid as water and sort of curdled. I am pleased OH offered to help me with those two cupboards as it's another job out of the way and I might now be motivated to tackle the rest of the kitchen.

We haven't seen our friends M & V for about 10 days as their daughter and sil are over from New Zealand and they have all been away together, Daughter and sil are now visting family in another part of the country for a few days so M has invited us round for a cuppa this afternoon. Otherwise I have no plans for the rest of the day.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 Jun 2024 11:50

Got on well this morning Rang the shop and order a couple of cakes to be put by. Did a wash and while that was doing I cleaned the kitchen, diner windows and the glass doors and on the cupboard and the back door inside and out. Washed out the bird bath and fed the wild birds and chcikens. Have to empty my barrow from yesterday but I am having a sit down first. Need to change the bed now and get that in the wash.


MillymollyAmanda Report 1 Jun 2024 08:43

Morning Anng, morning all,

No rain here so far this morning but there's plenty of cloud about I've just hung some washing out but I'll have to keep an eye on it .
We want to get the cucumbers into the bigger pots this morning and fill some pots for the tomatoes .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 1 Jun 2024 08:43

Morning all,

Sunny this orning again and 15 degrees. It was a bit hazy when I got up this morning but I think the sun will soon put paid to that.

Nothing planned for today either just have to do the shop for the paper although I don't know why I bother really I only have it for the TV programs and there's nothing on I want to watch lately. We used toget lovely long old fashioned series that went on for weeks but now we only get three or six at the most. Times are certainly changing... :-(


AnninGlos Report 1 Jun 2024 08:29

good morning all and welcome to June, 12 degrees and sunny so far but yesterday that was the same and quickly clouded over. Nothing planned so I will see what happens. Should get my few baskets filled as they will be all behind otherwise.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 May 2024 19:40

Just come back in again after my biccies and juice. Done a lot more down towards Prickerly Bottom. Now I am going to have a little sit and then do dinner. Iv'e got those two nice seedy rolls and I am going to cook some lamb steaklet to go in them. Cherries and cream for dessert.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 May 2024 18:06

I have been in the garden again tackling the brimbles in my wind flowers I got so hot I had to come in for a drink of orange juice. I think I need a biscuit too Vera as I had toast this morning and then did rolls for BIL and did'nt do one for myself as at the time I was'nt hungry.


SuffolkVera Report 31 May 2024 16:40

We often went away in May or early June as well. May was always a favourite month but not this year. We've had days here and there when it has been lovely but most of the month seems to have been rain, rain and more rain. I always liked September as well so maybe that will be a good month this year.

What a shame you had to drag out in the rain for your blood test Mandy, only to find it wasn't needed. Someone else would have been glad of that appointment. I had that experience of OH not being able to come in the clinic with me a while back. I used to have to go regularly every 2 years for various procedures and scans and they were always done at the West Suffolk Hospital where OH could be in the waiting room or get himself a coffee while I was being "done". Last time, trying to clear some of the backlog, the hospital booked me in to a private clinic at Ipswich but OH wasn't allowed in with me. This place didn't even have a car park but I had to have a driver with me because I was sedated. So OH had to drop me at the door, find a public car park and sit in the car for a couple of hours till I rang and told him to come back and pick me up. What a palaver. To add insult to injury this clinic bodged the job and it had to be done again at the hospital anyway. Don't worry Mandy, I am sure that won't happen to you and your scan will be fine.

I expect your neighbour was pleased when you phoned about his parcel, Mel. He must have been wondering where on earth it was.

I think we're all looking forward to seeing some pictures Annx.. I always show OH as well and he is always very impressed by your talent.

We were lucky at the tip as it actually stopped raining just before we arrived so we didn't get soaked but we did have to be careful on the metal steps going up to the containers as they were very slippy. We had lunch as soon as we got back and then I carried on with getting my bedroom decluttered and cleaned. The sorting out of all the book shelves and cupboards is completed, everywhere is dusted and where necessary the paintwork has been washed though it looked pretty much OK. This afternoon I've cleaned the windows in the bedroom, the skylight in the ensuite and all the mirrors. OH came upstairs at one point and said he felt guilty reading while I was doing all this work so has offered to make a start on the kitchen in the morning. He's going to get everything out of 2 awkward floor level corner cupboards that I find difficult and give them a thorough clean. He'll probably have to lay on his stomach on the floor to reach into the far corners and it will be underneath a basket arrangement that swings out on hinges and pivots. It must have been designed by a man as it's a brilliant use of space but really difficult to clean. I'm very glad of OH's offer to at least do those cupboards for me.

I think it's about time for a cuppa (and shhh!, maybe a biscuit or two) so I'm off to put the kettle on..

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 May 2024 15:26

All toenails trimmed nicely now and he even cut my long thumbnail off for me as its so hard I can't cut it even with my supersonic clippers.

Its good you have got on the course so we can see some more of your lovely paintings I'm so looking forward to them. Oh loved to see your pictures as well as Mandy's Colin. Fed the mowing man with rolls and orange juice and he's back on the mower again. Mid may is a good time to go away as the leaves are usually coming out by then and the Hawthorne blossom and the bluebells and primmyroses.

While I was out a parcel was delivered to me and it was huge and I knew I had'nt ordered anything so looked for the address and it was in such tiny little letters I had to get right up close to read it and it was for my new neighbours who I had just been speaking to up the top on the way in. I had to ring them and Simon came down in his van and collected it. He said he had an email to say it had been delivered and wondered where it was. You could'nt miss it it was at least 5' x 2'6". Aparantly it was shelving brackets.


Annx Report 31 May 2024 13:49

Afternoon All,

We had rain earlier, then sun, but dull and dry since. The forecast now says to expect gusty winds in an hour! I shan't bother washing the towels today.

What a waste all round then Mandy and, as you say, you'd have thought they would have let you know to save a wasted journey and an appointment someone ese could have had. A soaking too that you needn't have had. They used to ring me the night before when they thought my blood sugar tests weren't needed. (they were). I don't know whether the hospitals are continuing with some of the covid practices, but OH had to go on his own for his hernia operation last year and they wheeled him outside for me to collect him. Maybe the clinic doesn't have much seating space? It's good you have a scan appointment sorted now though.

I think I would have had a moment's panic with hearing your OH get the car out for going to the tip to Vera. I expect you will be very alert to what he's doing for a day or two after what happened. I wouldn't have that trouble as OH tells me everything he is going to do and I mean EVERYTHING! lol. It's very disruptive to my own thinking process.

Sorry your leg played up lying down so you didn't sleep well AnnG. My knees have been different to usual in bed recently and ache after a few minutes when my legs are straight. They are usually ok like that and I wondered if the damper weather was causing it. I've slept much better just lately though but still lack get up and go! I'm looking forward to seeing your garden when the flowers you are buying are all in flower. I need to start sorting my pots out.

I think May is one of my favourite months as well Mel and we always used to go to Cornwall mid May. The rain and dull days can get a bit depressing, but I prefer that to the unbearable heat we have had in recent years. Thyroid issues make it harder to control body temperature and can make me feel ill. If I get too hot I can't cool down easily, so have to do anything outside really early when it's hot weather.

I managed to book the course, but the morning one was booked up, so I booked the afternoon one which finishes at 3.00pm, so early enough for my vision to be still ok I think. It's an awful site to log into, needing two areas to log in and not easy to find what you need like where to log into the meetings. Because it is govt funded there are reams of questions to answer before, during and after each lesson as well and they have updated the site since I last used it and I still haven't sussed where to load your pictures to send after each lesson, as they have changed it all! Why do they do these non improvements all the time? Hopefully the teacher will run through things like that on the first lesson.

Better do some admin the post has brought today next!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 May 2024 13:14

BIL is here and mowing. Clean the fish filter out and now ready to go to the foot doc.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 May 2024 11:35

How silly is that then Mandy as you said soemone else could have had that appointment. Hope Colin get on ok with his covid jab. Coming back to the ultra sound appointment thats a bit stupid not letting anyone come with you but when I come to thinjk of it when I had to go and have a checkup in the hospital oh had to wait out in the car but that was nearer the time of covid.

Got the foot doc at 2pm so I better get on I'm all showered and ready to go but I am hungry so I thinkj I will eat now.


MillymollyAmanda Report 31 May 2024 10:55

Morning all,

Cold wet and soggy here to Vera ,I'd like some sun too please .

Had a blood test booked for half nine so out in the wet we go got there had a little wait then she called me in and said I think you've had a wasted journey as the blood test you had on the 20th which is when I had my gall stone pain was tested for the kidneys too which is what the blood test today was for ,why didn't they check before I went somebody else could have had that appointment, anyway the blood test was OK so that was good .
When I got home my appointment for my ultra sound came in the post thats for the 24th June its not at the Norfolk and Norwich it's for a clinic just before you get to the hospital and it says to come on your own and if anyone comes with you they will be turned away never heard that before .

Colin has his covid jab at half one today so it's out in the rain again .


SuffolkVera Report 31 May 2024 10:33

Morning all

Could one of you ladies with sun send a bit this way please. It's been bucketing down for hours and to make it worse it is very windy. One weather app is telling me it's drizzling and another is telling me to expect light rain around 2 pm! I think I must be living on a different planet. They do agree that it's 12 degrees and windy and one says the wind is making it feel like 6 degrees which sounds about right. I've had to put a fleece on over my shirt and jumper. I can't believe this is supposed to be the driest region in the country - well, it definitely isn't this year!

To make matters worse we have a car full of waste to take to the tip. As we have an appointments system here we will have to go or lose our slot. We can't just turn up when it's nice and dry. So we're obviously in for a soaking in a while.

That's enough of the miserable things. We've got a roof over our heads, food in our stomachs and OH is completely back to normal so things aren't that bad.

Safe journey back for your daughter and sil AnnG. You are bound to miss them for a day or two but keep yourself occupied and you'll soon adapt to being on your own again. Hope your leg is easier this morning.

Bye for now from a cold and soggy Suffolk.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 31 May 2024 09:31

Morning all,

Sunny here at the moment and it 15 degrees and pc says partly sunny.

Think I will strip the bed today too Anng and get that out of the way as it looks promissing to getit dry.

WEll that one of my favorite months gone by so quickly did'nt realise and I supose the next month is going to be the same. I truely love May and June when there's all the fresh leaves onthe trees and the flowers start to bloom.

O well you can't stop time passing.