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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Annx Report 14 May 2024 13:37

Afternoon All,

A rainy morning here but it's dry now with weak sunshine and 15 degrees. I got a bit wet walking from the carpark to the hairdresser. Tia was on good form and showing me her new grey, tight trouser bargain she was wearing and had bought to go hiking in. They stretch, have a soft furry inside and are waterproof. She belongs to group in the peak district, so not very local, but she enjoys the lovely views.

You must be pleased to get the walking shoes you know you like AnnG. These days they are lighter and more comfortable than the boots we used to wear with thick socks. We discovered our old boots when we cleared most of the garage last year and chucked them away. I know what you mean when you look at these mountains now. I find it hard to think I climbed Snowdon in my 30s. It was by the easier route, but still not easy, the steeper and rockier it got, and it took all day, about 9 hours, to climb to the top and back down again. I never got round to doing it again. It's a shame you have a sore throat. Hopefully it will be shortlived and not spoil your break.

I use the Carex antibacterial handwash Mel, but am using up a dettol handwash at the moment. Don't ever get one of those, it smells dreadful, but I won't waste it! lol. Three pumps? Isn't that just a man to not realise it's concentrated and you only need a small amount. OH uses the bathroom, so has a bar of soap, but I'm sure he would be the same as your BIL with a handwash.

That's good you are feeling quite a bit better Vera, partcularly as it sounds like you have a packed schedule. I don't know what the Space Centre is like now as I went when it first opened, but I hope you enjoy your trip. I imagine the driver may come on the M1 and get off at junction 21 which is by the retail park I visit a mile away from me.

OH saw the doctor about his headaches this morning and he is to have blood tests and a scan. She said it was a bit of a mystery, but I'm glad some tests are being done. Now he's on his way to have his 5 year bone scan at a hospital the other side of the city. He has a meeting at a school that side of the city tonight, so he's arranged to go straight there from the hospital and taken his laptop and sandwiches with him to work there till the meeting is due to start. It would just waste time and fuel to battle his way home through the city traffic and then have to battle his way back shortly after.

I think it's too wet for weeding yet, so some admin next I think and some hoovering.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 May 2024 11:26

Had quite a lot of rain this morning pc is saying Record rain and its now 14 degrees and the suns coming out.

Had four subs on my order my bread for a large Hovis which I find a bit sweet, Asda Aloe Vera hand wash for Carex and I had already ordered an Asda one for the bathroom where BIL wahses his hands, Lurpak slightly salted butter instead of Asda salted butter, Hate lurpak. and sour dough crumpets which I kept.

My tendersteam hand picked broccoli must have been picked by a blind person cos its all stalks with very little tops and the stalks are as fat as my index finger and it all looks bruised and dirty and sweaty so they have refunded me that too. Its only fit for the chickens pot of veg. They must have known as they have refunded me for it already.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 14 May 2024 08:46

Morning all,

Quite bright here this mroning but the skies are light grey and pc says partly sunny and 13 degrees at the moment.

Hope you all slept well, I did no strange dreams last night.

I have four subs on todays order and two of them I am cross about cos its the bread I like as Hovis is a bit sweet for me I like the Warburtons, the crumpets I can try as I have never had the sour dough ones, the butter can go back cos I don't like Lurpak, and I will have to see about the Aloe Vera hand wash I like my Carex one as I know I can take the smell of that one but its only for the bathroom as BIL uses about three pumps to wash his hands.

I am now going to have my COC so see you all later.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 May 2024 21:44

Its good you're feeling better Vera with whats to come over the next couple of days. Hope you sleep ok tonight Vera.

Done no gardening today and now I look back on what I did do it dos'nt look much for all my work.

It rained most of the day but cleared up just as the sun was going down and we had a beautiful sky I took a couple of pics.

I was looking on youtube last night and I thought it said more of OUr Yorkshire Farm.


SuffolkVera Report 13 May 2024 20:55

Thank you for the pics Mel. The second bigger lot were much easier to see. What lovely markings the bird has.

I'm feeling quite a bit better today. It has however been a very busy day and I am drooping rapidly now. I've read the posts but don't have time to respond to them. Tomorrow is also going to be hectic as during the day we have 3 appointments in 3 different places so will be dashing back and forth; and on Wednesday we are on a day trip to the National Space Centre. I may not be posting for a couple of days.

I hope you are all well and have enjoyed at least some sun. The rain's due here tomorrow. Right, I'm now going to shower and then I'm off to bed.


AnninGlos Report 13 May 2024 17:54

Evening all. We went to Ambleside today I wanted some new walking shoes so got a pair in the same shop I have bought the last three pairs. They are expensive but good. We first went to Hayes Garden world where we bought some stuff and daughter bought some plants. Then we had lunch there before driving into town for the shoes. Weather was a mix of sun and cloud. Views were beautiful, a bit hazy but no rain still quite bright passin by Grasmere and seeing the Lion and Lamb in the distance it was hard to believe that I have climbed it twice in the past. Lots of lambs, black and white and also tiny calves.
And now I have a sore throat. Don’t know who gave me this.


Annx Report 13 May 2024 15:25

Afternoon All,

I slept quite well, but was up early as the window cleaner was due and he was here before 9.00 am so it was a good job I had my shower later. OH was already on his way to a meeting in the city, so he wasn't here to warn me when he arrived. I popped out later to get some coleslaw and toms to go with our salad and a paper. The Hawthorn blossom and shrubs look lovey and the verges are covered in Cow Parsley. I passed the house I lived in as a teenager on the way which has recently been sold and they are doing a complete renovation with skips outside and are building a new frontage in brick. I'll be interested to see the finished result! I loved living there as there were fields at the back and the front and a brook at the bottom of the huge garden. It still has the fields, but the new houses are creeping closer. The paper shop had two tall racks of bedding plants with some pretty petunias with stripes or spots and busy lizzies.

I hope Vera feels much better today and that the shakiness has gone now.

Mel that bird is quite something isn't it and I'd never heard of them before. I love the markings it has and a quick google shows videos of the strange calls they make. That was a strange dream you had and it does sound like the castle was connected with AnnG's outing.

Like Gwyn we have sunshine but it's cooler today (17 degrees) and a bit breezy. I can't decide whether to do a bit more weeding next or not. I think I should before the rain reaches us, so I'd better don my hat and leather gloves and get out there.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 May 2024 11:09

Its raining here now properly but lightish. Been up the post van and sent a little parcel. Need to get some more stuff on Ebay and do some ironing. That reminds me I did a wash yesterday and its still in the machine!!!! With all the gardening I completely forgot all about it and it would have dried yesterday too. What a nuisance. :-|

Gwyn I have started using the little shells you sent me so when they are finished I shall send some pics.

Wonder what Anng's doing today and if its raining where she is.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 13 May 2024 09:37

Morning all.

What a strange dream :-S :-D
You wonder how the brain computes all the random thoughts into a story, but that dream is particularly odd.
Sort of being bestowed with hair restoring reminds me of people wanting to kiss the Blarney Stone for it's so called powers. ;-)

Thank you for BiL's forwarded photos. I have never seen one of those striking birds. I like it's 'clergy' collar. :-)

Warm and sunny here, but slightly cooler than yesterday maybe. That's not a bad thing though, if we want to be busy.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 13 May 2024 08:48

Morning all,

Just answered an email and forgot to come on here first thing. Its cloudy today and pc says 13 degrees and light rain.

Had another really strange dream. I was showing people around a castle (must be something to do with Anng visiting a castle) and oh came through with this chap who was going bald, quite a young chap. He told him he could do something about that and took him down a secret doorway and up onto the cstle roof where there was a hole in the stonework. He told him to put his head through the hole and so he did and when he stood up he had a full head of wavey hair in a beatle style. The chap was delighted. Then I woke up


Annx Report 12 May 2024 18:34

Evening All,

Still sunny here now and 23 degrees but was overcast this morning. OH was up early again and has finished weeding the last bit of gravel. Next we need to put weedkiller on it to kill off the tiny weeds. He looked for the Northern Lights again last night but nothing. He did notice a coloured glow from our neighbour's garden so peeped over the fence and saw lots of lit up ornaments like mushrooms etc that have appeared! :-)

I had some cream yesterday and had tummy trouble again so it does seem to be more evidence of lactose intolerance. I checked online today and it says cream can cause a problem even though you drink skimmed milk and eat cheese with no trouble which is what I do. It also said it can be linked to thyroid issues. I will give all cream a wide berth for a month next and see how I am.

Oh yes, those capsules would be impossible to divide Mandy! Your idea of alternate days sounds a good idea. I hope the gradual introduction works ok for you. A rest day sounds like a good idea and we have done the same. The food delivery came but was a small one so didn't take long to put away.

I'm sorry you felt so dreadful Vera, but can understand those horrid feelings which I've had sometimes. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water as a hospital told me once that my heart rate going up was just due to dehydration. I had thought I was drinking plenty with having a chest infection as well, but apparently not. It sounds like the walk to the river was a bit ambitious but I hope you have started to feel better again now. What a shame something seems to have befallen one of the swans and the nest and the poor swan left on it's own too.

It sounds like you had a good time at the castle yesterday AnnG. I love to see Rhododendrons in all the beautiful colours, so I hope you took a few pics. I expect Inara enjoyed the Owls too.

Mel is there much of your drive still to do? I remember it is a very long drive. Just don't overdo it with wearing yourself out will you. I bet the girls did enjoy those grubs!

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 May 2024 16:36

Done enough for today. Worn myself out and I'm hungry as all I have had is a coffee a glass of water and a cup of tea. There were loads of fat lather jacket bugs under what I scraped up so I collected them all in my little bucket and fed them to the girls you should have seen the rush once they realised what they were. A nice treat for them.

I think now I will do bacon and egg and that will do me for the day until later when I shall have some strawberries and cream.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 May 2024 14:50

Had to come down for a drink and whyis it that I try to remember all the things I need up the top and there's always something I forget. Yesterday it was the long handled loppers and today it was my scoppy things that I pick up all the sweepings with.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 May 2024 13:19

So sorry you feel woozy aggain Vera and I hope it passes soon. Have a nice rest today after you've done the dinner and don't go out in the sun.

Had a nice shower and did the chickens and fish so now I am off up the garden to do a bit more scraping.


SuffolkVera Report 12 May 2024 13:09

Good afternoon all

21 degrees and sunny at the moment. There is a slight breeze that stops it being too uncomfortable.

I’m being Moaning Minnie again today. I didn’t have too bad a night, sleeping through from about 2.30 am to nearly 8 am but I woke up feeling dreadful. I’ve still got a woozy head and I was so shaky. I felt so bad that I checked my BP. That was better than usual but my pulse rate was much faster than normal. I don’t know why but hope it’s to do with migraine and my funny head and not something else going wrong. Anyway moan over.

To try to make myself feel better I decided to walk down to the river and OH said he would come with me. Tbh it was a struggle putting one foot in front of the other and I had to sit down on the way home. Sadly when we got to the river we could only see 1 swan swimming around the mill pond where they nest. There was no sign of eggs or babies. I suppose a fox or other predator could have got the eggs and hatchlings but I would have thought an angry, adult swan protecting her nest would have been more than a match for a fox. It’s so sad and father swan looks so lonely and has stayed in the mill pond waiting for his mate.

I looked out at 11 pm and again at 2 am and couldn’t see any Northern Lights. The only odd thing was that at 11 the moon was a normal yellow and at 2 it was quite a dark red. I wondered if that could have been caused by the gasses in the atmosphere.

I don’t feel much like dinner but OH needs feeding so I put a chicken in the oven as soon as we got back from the river and I now need to get some vegetables ready. I hope you all continue to get good weather. “See” you again soon.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 May 2024 12:12

Beautiful day here but more cloud in the sky than yesterday. BIL popped in as he had been down the lake to get pictures of the Great Northan Diver which has been down there for about two weeks. He said he would send some pics to me to forward on to all of you. Its a beautiful bird with a funny call. It needs a lot of ground to be able to take off and we think it maybe stuck here. If only it would go up the bank of the lake it has a great big field it could fly off in. Theyrescued it from a ditch andit was stuck in brimbles.


MillymollyAmanda Report 12 May 2024 09:23

Morning all,

Bit cloudy here this morning the sun keeps trying to peep through.
I looked out last night but didn't see any colour in the sky like the night before it was a bit cloudy as the tiny moon was covered although you could see the brightness of the moon through the cloud .
Not a lot happening here today son and family usually come but they messaged to say they were staying in and having a lazy day ,we're both tired after doing jobs through the week so we're having a lazy day too .
I started my iron tablets today ,I thought I would start by having one every other day for a week or so then if I'm OK on them I'd go to one a day .
Ann you said could I have half a one but I can't do that as they are capsules filled with what looks like hundreds and thousands lol

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 12 May 2024 08:49

Morning all,

So did anyone see the northan lights last night? I think I may have done the sky to the north was pink and sometimes it looked a bit greeny but it could have been my imagination. I was looking out from 10pm till 12.38am.

Slept like a log, it must be all the scraping I am doing on the road and I did a bit of pruning too as a rose bsh had fallen off the wall within reach of the deer and they had eaten all the new shoots off it so I tied that back up out of reach. Its one of theroses that was planted outside the potting sheds which the buiders pulled up and chucked and mum recued a few.

Need a COC now to get me ging for the day. BBL


Annx Report 11 May 2024 19:13

Evening All,

We were up early and outside to do a bit before it got too hot. I weeded another couple of feet of the island bed and OH did more weeding of the gravel on the front alongside the drive. He only has a a few feet more to do now then he can start on the borders.

OH went outside to look at the sky at about 11.30 pm but could see nothing, yet nearby at the quarry a friend got some great photos. I wonder if he was looking in the right direction. They say we should be able to see it again between 10.00pm and 2.00am tonight like Mandy said but that it won't be as good so we might try again tonight.

How lovely to be able to watch the baby birds Mel. I hope you will be able to send some photos. Yes, it would be hard work for your BIL pushing a heavy mower in this heat. I hope it keeps going ok now. Do you still have another mower to fall back on? I seem to remember there was big Bertha too. I would love to have seen the Shetland and trap so I hope you can download the pic you took.

Well my data has been breached again, this time at Dell. I got an email about it last night, but was suspicious it might be a scam so had a google and it was being reported by several sites. It suggests no financial data has been breached so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Those compost bags are handy for things like that Mandy. I've cut some open to lay on the bare soil in the greenhouse and then stood the tomato pots on it as it stops the weeds. I hope the tabs will be ok now, if not maybe you could cut them in half and try half a dose.

You've been busy in the garden catching up Vera. I love Antirrhinums! Yes I think OH needs checking out to be on the safe side. It does seem to be positional with how he sleeps sometimes or when he does a lot of computer work. They suggested before that it could be to do with his osteoporosis and I suppose nerves could get trapped with that, but I think it's good that he will get a second opinion with another GP. I wonder what has happened to you swans as it doesn't look good does it if there's only one adult now.

OH went to a match this afternoon and I think both of us are ready for an early night tonight, apart from checking if we can see the lights!


AnninGlos Report 11 May 2024 19:08

It has been a beautiful sunny and warm day and we had a lovely time. Inara was very good and so was A bee the dog. The rhododendrons and a alias were beautiful. And we enjoyed watching the owls and birds of prey in displays, even though it got very hot. It was not too busy so we had no problem finding a seat to have our picnic on while looking out over at distant fells and hills. Inara has now gone home having been fetched by zdzddy and Senua so then there was an hour of mayhem in the garden, children shouting and dog barking while Daddy caught us up with news.
Barbecue tonight but w will eat inside as it does get chilly in the evening.