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LadyScozz Report 17 Apr 2014 12:16

I had a memory flash this afternoon....... remembered I bought some pillow protectors that have zippers.

No problem...... I'll wash the pillows while they're still wearing the covers.

Febreze? I bought it once, many years ago, we hated the smell of it.

This is bringing back memories of living in Germany... a good German hausfrau would have the pillows & feather doonas hanging out the windows or over the balcony every morning (in good weather ofcourse).

Liz........ try to imagine my OH, all 110Kg of him during a hot & humid Aussie summer :-0

I thought I'd get some response when I said he was big & hairy & I'm delicate rofl

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 17 Apr 2014 08:41

I wash cushions inside the cushion cover (cotton ones) as they keep the shape better then, I take them out to dry the items separately

I havewashed pillows inside a pillowcase too, I safety pinned the corners in place to help save all the pulling back into shape afterwards.

I also use two pillow protectors, one those sort of papery fabric ones and also a white cotton one, as o.h. gets a bit warm and his pillow needs refreshing.

I can never understand how that Febreze spray can substitute for a good wash tho.



LadyScozz Report 16 Apr 2014 13:30

Our phone was working until a couple of weeks ago, when we lost connection for a couple of days.......... the weird thing is, we still had internet, and it's the same line. Go figure.

No idea what's going on in Brisbane or Sydney.......... we're in a small community, definitely not the population of a city, the technicians have a large area to cover here, but not as many houses. We're in northern NSW, but we're closer to Brisbane than Sydney.

There is a lot of talk about the Telstra infrastructure being old and not working properly in many places. The Government has been rambling on for years about providing faster broadband to country areas............. we're fed up listening to the blather, we just want our phones & internet to work!

The Royals are in Sydney, not sure if they're going to Brisbane, but they're not coming within cooee of us.... I don't think we're posh enough..... too many hippies?


Re washing machines...... I couldn't cope with a front loader washer, with my back problems. I'll stick with a top loader thanks. I've used front loaders, but didn't like them.


BrendafromWales Report 16 Apr 2014 13:15

Funny you saying about your phone.
Called my son in Sydney on Sunday as usual and got him as he put calls through to his mobile,but his land line was down and he is annoyed that it will take 2 weeks to get back.
My friend whose daughter lives in Brisbane said she is without her land line..and now you.......what's going on in Oz???know its a public holiday for ANZAC on Friday...but has it closed down for the Royal visit??? :-S


Annina Report 16 Apr 2014 13:06

Pillows are now so cheap that I bin them and buy new,cheaper than washer repairs.

When you get round to a new washer,buy one with the filter at the front,you can then clean it out regularly before it gets bunged up.


LadyScozz Report 16 Apr 2014 12:43

I've used a lingerie bag for years (at least 35 years), so my bras don't get mangled in the wash. They don't go in the tumble dryer either.

I'm wondering how I can wash pillows....... if I wash them in the laundry tub they will weigh half a ton....... and lose their shape, no matter how I dry them. I'm wondering if I could wash them with a pillowcase on them?

In summer, when it gets hot & humid, I have to wash OH's pillows at least once a month! Mine not so often....... but he's big & hairy and I'm delicate rofl :-D :-D

Edit ~ It just dawned on me what the fluff is from! Not a pillow...... I washed the padded mattress protector, and it got caught on the top of the tub & ripped. oops. I had to sew it together again, by hand, because it was too awkward to use the sewing machine.


Bobtanian Report 16 Apr 2014 12:37

My son, who is in the same business says many pumps get killed by odd coinage and buttons jamming them up, and tumble dryers killed by bra underwires.......x


LadyScozz Report 16 Apr 2014 10:43

at least my bruised bum is feeling better :-(

I've been sitting on a warmed up wheatbag all afternoon


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 16 Apr 2014 06:28

Poor you Scozz, hope things get better as the day goes on.



LadyScozz Report 16 Apr 2014 03:37

What a morning!

First of all, the washing machine didn't want to play any more.

Himself was on his way out the door on his way to golf, I had a washing machine full of water & towels.......... got him to 'phone one of his golf mates, who is the local repairman for washers, dryers etc.......

Had to "walk" the machine outside...... tip it a bit, to get to the underside...... the pump looked a bit iffy......... it was FULL of fluff! I thought it was a build up of tissues (the ones that sneak into pockets :-) ), nope, it was pillow stuffing...... I got "told off" for putting pillows in the washer! How else do you get pillows clean?

New pump cost nearly $100. I swear, that machine has cost us more in repairs and service than we paid for the thing. When it finally gives up, it will not be replaced by the same brand or type.

Next............. internet has been playing up... I've been keeping a list, this morning the internet dropped out eight times in an hour.

Phone technician has been here for over an hour........ checked all the lines, replaced two phone points, because they'd gone rusty!

Very nice man, said it wasn't technically a "fault" so we won't be charged by Telstra. Yay!

So far, I'm still online..... hope it stays that way.

Now I have to try to get furniture back where it was....... not with this hip.... I'll wait for Himself to get home.
