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Indian Ancestory

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Jean Report 15 May 2015 12:18

I have been searching through some old papers and find that Thomas Stacey was partly Welsh and that his wife was brought up in an orphanage and looked after by nuns., this I feel must be in India, In view of the new information which I have found do you think that the Welsh Records would be worth trying and then if nothing is found, looking to the Scottish Records because Thomas and Hannah's marriage does appear to fit the date of Jane Evelyn Stacey's birth. The article written by Jane Eveline's daughter states that she (Jane E) was born in India

I would appreciate if you would advise me please how to contact the Scottish and also the Welsh Departments?


Jean Report 25 May 2015 18:26

As the MOTHER of Jane Eveline Stacey was born in India, possibly in an orphanage, I don't think that this person (Hannah) could be the person we are looking for.
Therefore, I don't think the wife of Thomas Stacey could have been born in Scotland.
From the British Army Records there are two listed Thomas Staceys, both have the same soldier number 333, but one is a Private and the other a Farrier Major. The Thomas listed as a "Private" was born in the parish of Streatham, birth date 1828 which seems to fit, but I cannot find a trace of it.

The daughter of Jane Eveline French (Frances Beryl French - born 11/2/1900) can remember spending holidays at her grandmother's bungalow.


Jean Report 18 Jun 2015 15:39

I am searching for the birth details of Arthur Louis French born in Jubalpur around 1896. You have given me details of his siblings, George, Francis and Gladys. Can you help please.


Gritty Report 18 Jun 2015 16:09

I don't see anything for Arthur Louis- but there is this person:

First name(s) Louis Alfred
Last name French
Baptism year 1896
Birth year 1896
Place Nagpur
Presidency Bengal
Mother's first name(s) Jane
Father's name William French
Baptism date 10 May 1896
Birth date 25 Apr 1896
Archive reference N-1-253
Folio 85
Catalogue descriptions Parish register transcripts from the Presidency of Bengal

name(s) Louis Alfred French
Marriage year 1921
Marriage date 30 Mar 1921
Spouse Gertrude Maud Swaris
Place Jubbulpore
Presidency Bengal
Groom's age 24
Bride's age 24
Groom's father's name William French
Bride's father's name John Swaris
Catalogue description Parish register transcripts from the Presidency of Bengal, : 1713-1948
Archive reference N-1-451
Folio number 195
Record set British India Office marriages


Jean Report 8 Jul 2015 13:18

Thank you very much, this is the person I have been searching for, but he was known as Arthur by the family. All the details which you have given me, i.e. marriage details confirm it is the right person.

I am still trying to trace his maternal grandparents - Thomas Stacey was Jane Eveline's father but we have no idea of the name of her mother. A Hannah O'Neil (nee Cowan) was married in 1869 to a Thomas Stacey, a year before Jane Eveline was born, but I cannot find anything that proves that Hannah is indeed her mother, as there is no trace of Jane Eveline until her marriage to William French in Agra in 5/03/1894. The story is that the wife of Thomas was born in India.
