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Jane McFarlane Scotland & Spain 1800s

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brigid Report 30 Sep 2015 22:31

well done ;I'll ask my sis if i can take another look at that scroll + see how far back it goes ..didn't look too close because was only trying to find out what relation the 1923 John Mc Farlane was but i know the Mcdermids did have a few marriages or connections further back too.


Forestbeaver Report 30 Sep 2015 20:13

Success! Thank you so much ArgyllGran.
Jane Hunter daughter of George McFarlane soldier and Ellen McFarlane nee Harvie both deceased. This makes sense of her birth in Cadiz, Spain and now I have the correct names of her parents I might be more successful in finding a birth record.
She is also stated as being widow of William Hunter ship owner and General Merchant, William's occupation on 1861 census.
You've brought a big smile to my face! Thanks again.


Forestbeaver Report 30 Sep 2015 19:44

Hello ArgyllGran
Thank you for all your work in finding information about Jane.
My interest has been tracing the Hunters - my grandparents William and Agnes nee Dunning, my great grandparents William and Elizabeth nee Paton and great, great grand parents William and Jane nee McFarlane. I have copies of the censuses back to 1841 but am not at all sure about the 1841. Jane/Jean/Janet seem to be interchanged but I haven't found the name Charlotte in the family or record of her being a niece.
The Lyon children are the children of William's and Jane's daughter Isabella who married William Lyon; the Jane McFarlane Hunter who died in 1869 was the definitely the child of William and Elizabeth (Paton) and died of scarlet fever. Elizabeth lost 3 children within 3 weeks in 1869!
I hadn't found Jane on the 1891 census as my attention was with William and Elizabeth in London at that time. I found a death record in 1883 of a Jane Hunter which fitted but in Renton Dumbarton , though I like your find of a death in 1892 which seems much more likely and I shall certainly spend some of my SP credits on downloading the record.
Once again thank you for all your work, I'll post again to let you know if that is the one.


Forestbeaver Report 30 Sep 2015 19:12

Hello Brigid
I've no idea whether my McFarlane links with yours unless you find any mention of Hunters on your family tree. I only know of Jane McFarlane who married William Hunter (my great great grandparents) about 1837 if I have the correct marriage record.
Unable to go back another generation as I cannot find a birth or baptism record for Jane I found a death record with her parents names John and Janet McFarlane but no maiden surname. A birth record for a Jane McFarlane with parents John McFarlane and Janet Baird is too early for 'my' Jane if her age on censuses 1861 and 1851 and on a death record is about right.


ArgyllGran Report 30 Sep 2015 18:03

Here's Jane in 1891:

Jane Hunter

in the 1891 Scotland Census
Name: Jane Hunter
Age: 79
Estimated birth year: abt 1812
Relationship: Head
Gender: Female
Where born: British Subject, Cadiz Spain
Registration Number: 501
Registration district: Old Kilpatrick
Civil Parish: Old Kilpatrick
County: Dumbartonshire
Address: Hunter's Land
ED: 3
Household schedule number: 50
Roll: CSSCT1891_162
Household Members:
Name Age
Jane Hunter 79
Elizabeth Hunter 37

Still can't see a likely death for Jane/Jean.

EDIT: Yes. here it is. The age doesn't relate to that in 1891 census, but I think it must be her:

Other surname: MCFARLANE F 85

A few credits on SP will let you see her parents' names - I don't have enough left at the moment.


ArgyllGran Report 30 Sep 2015 18:02

While hunting for Jean/Jane in 1871, or for her death, I came across this - don't know if relevant, but will post in case:


EDIT: May be a grand-daughter of William & Jane. Parents were William Hunter and Elizabeth Paton.

Can't see a death of Jane herself.
BUT having looked at the 1871 image, it says William's married - not widowed.


ArgyllGran Report 30 Sep 2015 17:53

In 1871 William is with daughter Elizabeth, and his grandchildren by other daughter Isabella:


Wm Hunter

in the 1871 Scotland Census
Name: Wm Hunter
Age: 57
Estimated birth year: abt 1814
Relationship: Head
Gender: Male
Where born: Glasgow, Lanarkshire
Registration Number: 501
Registration district: Old Kilpatrick
Civil Parish: Old Kilpatrick
County: Dumbartonshire
Address: Lumpstons Land
Occupation: Portioner
ED: 3
Household schedule number: 51
LINE: 16
Roll: CSSCT1871_88
Household Members:
Name Age
Wm Hunter 57
Elizabeth Hunter 21
Jane A Lyon 5
Wm A Lyon 3


ArgyllGran Report 30 Sep 2015 17:32

You say Jean's age is given as 36 on the 1851 census.

On Ancestry's transcription it's given as 38, though I haven't looked at the image on SP for verification:

Jane Hunter

in the 1851 Scotland Census
Name: Jane Hunter
Age: 38
Estimated birth year: abt 1813
Relationship: Wife
Spouse: William Hunter
Gender: Female
Where born: Spain
Parish Number: 501
Civil Parish: Old Kilpatrick
Town: Old Kilpatrick
County: Dumbartonshire
Address: Main Street
ED: 3
Page: 18
Household schedule number: 74
Roll: CSSCT1851_107
Household Members:
Name Age
William Hunter 35
Jane Hunter 38
William Hunter 10
Isabella Hunter 5
Elizabeth Hunter 1 1 Mo
Isabella Dowie 12: - servant

The son William's mother was Jane MacFarlane:


1841 census says she was born in Scotland but not in Dunbartonshire (otherwise looks like the same family):

Jean Hunter

in the 1841 Scotland Census
Name: Jean Hunter
Age: 25
Estimated birth year: abt 1816
Gender: Female
Where born: Scotland
Civil Parish: Old Kilpatrick
County: Dunbartonshire
Address: Old Kilpatrick Village
Parish Number: 501
Household Members:
Name Age
William Hunter 25
Jean Hunter 25
Charlot Hunter 10
William Hunter 4 Mo

Don't know who Charlot is, born Scotland but not Dunbartonshire. can't be a daughter. Doesn't seem to be a sister of William - at least I can't see births with matching parents.


brigid Report 30 Sep 2015 17:10

The Mc Farlanes got around . My grandad's cousin John mc farlane sponsored 2 of my siblings to help them when they arrived in US 1923

If any of your McFarlanes our linked to the ones mentioned on following thread I can dig out our copy of an old McFarlene Family tree beautifully copied in 1960 by another John


Forestbeaver Report 30 Sep 2015 15:33

Thanks Kay???? I'll have a look when I get to Kew.
Unfortunately there seem to be a number of John McFarlanes.

Jane the child of Janet Baird was born too early to be my G'g'grandmother and as yet I haven't found a death/burial record for the child born 1802 to suggest John and Janet reused the name. There are several John and Janet Mcfarlanes with a daughter Jane on Family Search .


Kay???? Report 30 Sep 2015 14:07

FMP shows John McFarlane of the 71st foot--there is good reading to be found about this regiment,,,,although no single records on him,,,Kew has extensive material in this area that it is not possible to make images of but many personal details can be found within the pages.


mgnv Report 29 Sep 2015 05:53

Since George IV only died in 1830, I can't decide if the gap in your knowledge is less than you think, or a lot worse.


Forestbeaver Report 27 Sep 2015 10:52

Thanks mgnv

I confess I never watched Sharpe's War andI have gaps in my historical knowledge after the Georgians and before 1830!


mgnv Report 26 Sep 2015 21:10

So here's someone who's forgotten Sean Bean in Sharpe's War on the TV!!

The British army under General Arthur Wellesly fought the Peninsular War 1807-1814 against the French.
For the 1st 3 y, the Brits were mostly on the defensive, and involved in clearing and securing Portugal. In 1811, they invaded Spain and pushed the French out. In the winter of 1813-14, they fought thru the Pyrenees into S France, and they fought the French in S France until Napoleon quit, and was exiled to Elba. After the war, in 1814 Wellesley was created Duke of Wellington. In 1815, Napoleon escaped, staged a comeback, but was defeated by an Anglo-Prussian coalition at Waterloo, and then was exiled to St Helena in the middle of the Atlantic.

Armies of that time had a fair number of civilian camp-followers, some employed by the army as civilian contractors, some were family, and the rest supplied the soldiers with goods and services.


Forestbeaver Report 26 Sep 2015 15:00


I've had a quick peep at the link you've given. Somewhere I saw a suggestion that it could be Cadiz but sadly I didn't note where I found that :(

I'll have a more detailed look when I have more time - and a Spanish dictionary/Spanish speaking friend!



PricklyHolly Report 26 Sep 2015 14:39

Index--only records...

John Mcfarlane in the Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950
Name:John Mcfarlane
Spouse:Janet Baird
Child: Margaret Mcfarlane

John Mcfarlane in the Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950
Name:John Mcfarlane
Spouse:Janet Baird
Child: Mary Mcfarlane

John Mcfarlane in the Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950
Name:John Mcfarlane
Spouse:Janet Baird
Child: Janet Mcfarlane

John Mcfarlane in the Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950
Name:John Mcfarlane
Spouse:Janet Baird
Child: Jane Mcfarlane

John Mcfarlane in the Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950
Name:John Mcfarlane
Spouse:Janet Baird
Child:James Mcfarlane

John Mcfarlane in the Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950
Name:John Mcfarlane
Spouse:Janet Baird
Child: William Mcfarlane


Forestbeaver Report 26 Sep 2015 14:34

Thank you PricklyHolly and KathleenBell, I'll look at both your sufggestions.


Forestbeaver Report 26 Sep 2015 14:32

Thanks for your suggestion.
I found this birth record too but it doesn't address the 'British subject born in Spain' and is several years outside the probable year of birth.
I have considered that this may be an older child of John and Janet McFarlane who died as an infant, but have too many options to confirm this as yet.

I'm hoping someone can give me information on where British subjects born abroad would be registered.


KathleenBell Report 26 Sep 2015 14:29

The most you can hope for is a baptism record rather than a birth record as Civil Registration didn't start in Scotland until 1855.

In Spain Civil Registration didn't start until 1871. Have a look here:-

Kath. x


PricklyHolly Report 26 Sep 2015 14:29


John Mcfarlane in the Scotland, Select Marriages, 1561-1910
Marriage Date:26 Dec 1781
Marriage Place:Govan,Lanark,Scotland
Spouse:Janet Baird
FHL Film Number:1066592, 0990755