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Fascinating stuff @ National Archives. SORTED NOW.

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Nicola'S Report 4 Feb 2016 15:25

I have received a very long and helpful letter from the Navy Command HQ in connection with my late Great Uncle who was awarded the OBE in 1945 for Distinguished Service during the war in Europe whilst serving in HMS ROYAL ALBERT (also known as Naval Party 1749) associated with the final operations in North West Europe at the end of the War.

Please, please don't waste any of your valuable time on any other part of his life that you may find [unless by some VERY long shot you can see the elusive record of his baptism, that is!! I've been searching for his and his two siblings' baptisms for years but they just don't/want to appear. He was born in 1903, elder sister Kathleen May in 1900, younger brother Philip in 1907. Their paternal grandfather was a Congregational Minister and they probably took that religious route ........... which would explain the absence of preserved records.].

Anyway, back to the task in hand! The letter gives file reference numbers, etc., etc. at the NA. Now unfortunately, I live m.i.l.e.s. away from the NA and we have everything crossed now that someone reading this has enough interest in the subject of naval history and also a VERY kind heart and could look and see what the files hold, please.

Great Uncle's name is FREDERICK HERBERT EDMUND VAUGHAN. Letter from Navy Command HQ mentions H&A 937/45 and H&A 1095/45, the latter being selected for permanent preservation and transfer to the NA where it is now available for examination under ref ADM 116/5234. Disposal of the former is no longer clear but it is possible that it may have been incorporated into ADM 116/5234 or it might perhaps be available in ADM 116/5232 or ADM 116/5233 . . .

I appreciate that all of this may be too much to ask and the research for this much loved man may just have to lie on the file. I would guess that a NA researcher would charge many £££££'s??? :-( .

Thank you. :-)


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Feb 2016 15:34

Wait awhile to see if anyone volunteers. If not, you can arrange for the NA to copy and send to you. Like professional researchers, it will cost £££


Nicola'S Report 4 Feb 2016 15:41

I'm sitting tight for a kind hearted volunteer who knows their way around the NA's. :-D


Eringobragh1916 Report 4 Feb 2016 16:20

Nicola...Is he the same FHEV who died in France in 1961....?


Nicola'S Report 4 Feb 2016 16:25

This is a strange one because he actually died in a Nursing Home opposite our house in Henley on Thames!! But he had lived in Le Havre, France, yes. I've often wondered why his death is recorded in France ........


Eringobragh1916 Report 4 Feb 2016 16:39

Along with every other mystery your family seems to provide..!!!

You have me "Hooked" again...on the trail of the Baptisms..!!

Name of Paternal grandfather would be helpful


Nicola'S Report 4 Feb 2016 16:46

You are funny! And MarieCeleste enjoys my ancestors' ramblings and lives all around the world too and says that she likes my threads.

Glad to have you hooked and on board. Paternal grandfather was FREDERICK VAUGHAN, Congregational Minister who ended his ministry in a purpose built church in Boscombe, Dorset. We have MASSES on him with photographs, so please don't waste your precious time; including a very lengthy article with portrait about him in the 'Christian Globe' which I unearthed at the LMA's. Proud of that one.


Eringobragh1916 Report 4 Feb 2016 17:00

Nicola. Not another FV...!!
Finding where he had his Ministry at the time of the Births of FHEV et al may provide the Baptisms. .Well we can dream cant we....?
I am still chasing David Rutton Morris' Marriage !!!


Nicola'S Report 4 Feb 2016 17:25

FV's ministry was in Boscombe, Dorset from 1886 till he died in 1911. His three grandchildren as above were born within those years.

And as for DRM's elusive marriage ......................... what can I say!


Nicola'S Report 4 Feb 2016 18:21

Off to perform at a gig - back later. :-)


Nicola'S Report 4 Feb 2016 22:38

I'm back on the case now.


Jean Report 5 Feb 2016 14:10

Hello Nicola S,

I live not too far from the NA and will go along and see what I can find out about your Greta Uncle.

The assistants there are very helpful, if needs be I can photocopy any documents and send them to you .

I go there very occasionally as all of my ancestors are Scottish and there is not a lot of information I can find there for my lot apart from looking at census 's.

They are closed on Monday's so the only time I can go would be Thursday/Friday of next week,
Hope this helps,




Nicola'S Report 5 Feb 2016 15:54

Wow, Jean! What am amazing offer of kindness.

The info in my opening post is verbatim from the letter sent from Navy Command and so if you take all of that with you I guess the folk at the NA's will lead you straight to it.

I, too, have a Scottish branch of the family but they had left Scotland by c.1800 and migrated into England where they made their fortunes!

Before hearing from you, I had contacted a GR who had helped me in the past with some Naval research - but I haven't heard back from him and guess he's had enough of me!!



Jean Report 5 Feb 2016 16:36

No problem Nicola,

I will take all the information from your post with me and hopefully get back to you next week.




mgnv Report 8 Feb 2016 14:20

Nicola - I would guess the three kids were baptized in their grandad's church.
I had a quick peek at the Dorset records Office, and didn't see that they held those baptismal registers for the period of interest - you might have a more thorough check, and if necessary enquire where the registers are at via:


Nicola'S Report 9 Feb 2016 13:28

I agree with you mgnv, but the family were living in London - and where all three children were born - and it would not have been a straightforward trek on the train with three kids! Also, their grandfather was in poor health for a while before he died; the youngest child Philip was born in 1907 and grandfather died in 1911.

Nevertheless, I will pursue Dorset Records A.G.A.I.N. I say again as I have pestered them previously but get led down blind alleys on this search. :-(


Jean Report 12 Feb 2016 11:04

Hi Nicola ,

Sorry to say I didn't find much on your Gr.Uncle apart from his name on a minute sheet.

Trawled through all the ADM 116 you gave me and nothing until the last ledger I looked at and there he was.

It just shows his name and rank ; Acting Commander Frederick Herbert Edward Vaughan. R.N.R.

I have photocopied the sheet so if you would like me to send it to you let me know.




Nicola'S Report 20 Feb 2016 22:32

Sorry Jean not to have been back to you before now. Big family distractions to deal with. Will pm you tomorrow and thank you for all your kind help in the meantime. :-D


Nicola'S Report 23 Feb 2016 14:08

Thank you SO MUCH to Jean for looking for these records at the NA on my behalf. That is so kind of you and very much appreciated.

It would seem then that all the helpful stuff from Naval Command [see above] with reference numbers hasn't been preserved. What a shame.

This possible area of research was the last little bit of information we were seeking before tidying up his Family Tree records. His schooling was very interesting [along with his siblings, they all went to the same historical establishment], and they have been promised a 'thumbnail' of his life - which we will now do for their archives. Brother's and sister's 'thumbnail' are already with the archives and on their website.

Perhaps I can help Jean out one day in return for her kindness to us??

Thank you again.


Jean Report 23 Feb 2016 15:12

No problem Nicola S,

It's just a shame I could not find out any more about him but at least you have something.

If you are ever in Glasgow you could pop into the Mitchell Library for me and have a look for some of my lot 'cos I surely can't find them .
