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Why do some people appear ungrateful ?

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ElizabethK Report 9 Mar 2009 14:43

For me it is not so much the "thanks" but to know that my effort has been helpful or not

On the 27the Feb a "Robert" put up a thread for information and he had replies from me/Anne of G.G/Christine in Portugal/Brenda +

There has been no response on the thread so I pmed him on Friday last-still nothing

Is it worth it I ask myself !

I wonder if he is the Robert who has a thread on TTF saying "thanks" because his message is not coming through !


AnnCardiff Report 9 Mar 2009 14:11

thanks - thought no way could it be Sylvia!!!!!


AnnCardiff Report 9 Mar 2009 12:40

I find it very hard to believe Sylvia was rude to you - I have never ever seen her be anything other than helpful to people on here

correction - is it Sylvia you are referring to or someone else - sorry if I misunderstood

and just to add, if anyone has anything contentious to say they should put it on the board for everyone to see - very sneaky sending personal messages which are unpleasant and says a lot about the sender really


InspectorGreenPen Report 9 Mar 2009 11:27


A simple thanks does it for me. I can't have chocolates and am alergic to flowers.....!


nameslessone Report 9 Mar 2009 09:13


No one should send nasty messages, however cross they maybe. I used to be quite happy to use my own name but felt obliged to go anonymous after what I felt to be a threatening outburst.

I've read your Gilralter thread and all replies to you have been deleted, having read some of the other 'overnights' it seems to be becoming the norm.

We should be encouraging and teaching each other how to find what we are seeking not sending one scurrying away in fright.

Claire in Lincs

Claire in Lincs Report 9 Mar 2009 04:49

Who are you talking to Annabel?


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Mar 2009 01:19


yoou're very welocm

I've never actually doen much over on History ................. I'm usually on Records, Tips, TTF and Surnames!

I'll look out for you ... it's often nice to have a chat in the middle of the UK night when traffic is quieter on here!

Hi ozi~~~~


:) still smiling :)

:) still smiling :) Report 8 Mar 2009 21:34

I am so pleased that people on here have pointed out it is not just the younger generation that are rude. I am in my early 20's and consider myself very polite; i always say please and thank you, i hold open doors for everyone and i happily give up my seat on the bus/train regularly for anyone who needs it more than i do.

I inturn get very annoyed when i watch an elderly or heavily pregnant person walk from the front of the bus to the back (where i am sitting) with no-one giving up their seat, whether they be a school child or a person in their 40's. I often make a point of getting up and saying loudly, "would you like a seat"

i completely agree that it is frustrating to not receive thanks and i think as has been pointed out before many may not realise they even have a reply, while others just get caught up in the excitement of an answer. I know i have also done this a few times when first starting out. i now regularly check my threads and always acknowledge every reply.

Leanne. :)


FannyByGaslight Report 8 Mar 2009 21:21

i really enjoy finding info for people and dont really mind if they thanks or not,although it is nice when they do
the ones that annoy me are the ones that reply to someone elses question on the thread and totally ignore the info that i have already put on,
3 days ago i found two census returns for someone and they only spoke to the other person who asked a question after
so i left it a couple of hours and then took great delight in deleting the two census returns.
petty and infantile ,,true,,but then little things etc


Ozibird Report 8 Mar 2009 20:57

Keep it there, Val, & nudge it. No query is too presumptuous. You'll usually get an answer eventually.

I'm from Aussie too.

As for please & thank you. I enjoy finding other people's family, but I like manners as well. People who can't be bothered with manners, I can't be bothered with. There's plenty of look-ups on the boards from people with manners to keep me busy.



AuntySherlock Report 8 Mar 2009 20:49

Hi Sylvia, Thanks for that. I have dabbled, very briefly, with the nudge facility. And deleted it thinking I was being too presumptuous. As you may have guessed I too am out of whack with the rest of the planet . In Australia. Depends on how late I post my questions whether or not I can stay awake to see any replies, or do the sensible thing and look in the morning. I actually prefer to use the History board, less traffic there. Val


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Mar 2009 20:36


These boards often move very fast, especially at peak periods, and a thread may soon slip down and onto the next page and further.

May I suggest that the next time you start a thread, instead of deleting it, you add a little "nudge" to bring it back upto the front again.

All you have to do is post something like "can anyone help" or "bringing this up for the night shift" or even "n"

I live in Canada, and don't come on here until about this time, then I'm on (and off) until about 5 or 6 am UK time. Similarly, there are people living in Australia or NZ, as well as Canada and the US, who are also night shift.

In fact, there are people on here 24 hours of the day!

By the time we come on there might have been 4 or 5 or more pages of action since the last time ............ I know that I only search back 2 or maybe 3 pages.

One of us might have the answer that you are looking for, or know where to send you to get it!



SylviaInCanada Report 8 Mar 2009 20:29

I don't want effusive thanks

........... but like so many others, it would be nice to know that whoever has actually seen the information I've posted! Especially if they delete it!

For Emma ............. every generation blames the younger generation for whatever, but I agree with Ann of GG .......... age (or lack of it) has nothing to do with lack of manners. I get pushed out of the way much more often by oldsters than I do youngsters ......... and I'm also an OAP. Over here at least, many oldsters seem to think that their age means that they have "rights" and no need to be courteous.

Like Shirley, I get almost as much kick out of finding someone else's missing or hiding ancestor as I do finding my own.

Regarding lack of information ........ have any of you read that full posting of a certain thread that I posted on p. 3 early this morning?

I don't know that GR necessarily has to send email messages to everyone to say there have been responses to a thread ............ but they do have to clean up their act in other ways

Just a simple explanation of how these boards work, how to find threads that you have started or posted on, that you are NOT notified of responses, etc

Incidentally, I was quite a novice on the internet when I first started using GR back in 2003 ................... I never even thought that anyone would tell me there had been a response, I automatically assumed that I had to come back and search on here.

Took me some time to find My Threads though!!



Cynthia Report 8 Mar 2009 18:00

I'm still convinced that if GR sent emails alerting folk to replies received, it would help to solve a lot of probs.

Mind you, it wouldn't help those who think that the people who do look ups are mind readers!!!


AnnCardiff Report 8 Mar 2009 16:20

oh Frank - what a lovely reply - and me from Wales - in the US everyone thinks Wales is part of England - "Do you have roads?" was something I was asked when in the States!!!!

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 8 Mar 2009 15:06

Good thread this one.

I'm happy to help where possible no worries.

However, I don't like someone sending me a pm with "He was born in Walsall" as the whole message or other vague snippets. I must admit I now just ignore those.

And whilst I'm happy with a simple thank you on the thread there is absolutely nothing wrong with the occasional excited gushing stream of thanks - I can feel the excitement and that's lovely!


Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 8 Mar 2009 15:02

Can I say that I enjoy doing look ups and helping to find elusive relations .or even relations that the enquirer didnt know where to look for. Gives ME the same Buzz and "YESSSS got yer"" when I find them as if they were my tree !!.
I dont want ,or need ,effusive thanks ,indeed it would embarrass me if someone went overboard BUT I still would like some acknowledgment of the info I found and if it helped.Doesn't always happen I'm afraid and is disappointing for the time and effort put in


FRANK06 Report 8 Mar 2009 14:54

Hi Emma.

As metioned in a previous post "thank you is fine"

With regard to finding relatives or narrowing the search, I give you the following.

This post was added and four replies failed to bring any more details to a request which I think you will agree was extremely vague.

" i am trying to find any information on the stewarts from scotlnd my mother in laws name was jessie "

Now if four people could be bothered to reply with offers of help, why couldn`t the original poster be bothered to send back married / maiden name/ d.o.b or any identifying detail..........I mean you must know something about your mother-in-law, however scary she may be!
Appologies to all you lovely mother-in laws out there. xxxxxx
If you don`t ,then come back and tell us since as a novice there is always some detail you may have overlooked.

In this case there was no further contact and having French relations who used to believe Scotland was a small community in the north of England, I could not resist the following reply...........................

Just a wee note from us Scots in this insignificant little conglomeration of hills, mountains and haggis where everyone knows his neighbour, kilts are all the rage and cousins six times removed just live up the road.

Scotland's People 1920 to 1940 births throws up a mere 239 Janet Stewarts and 222 Jessie Stewarts right across our tiny collection of hamlets so you will have to pinpoint some small area north of Hadrian's Wall along with a date..

"C.U. Jimmy" is waiting at the wall with the semaphore flags to pass the message north of the border.

Ochh aye the noo,

Obviously tongue in cheek but it was also meant to show in a light hearted way , how wrong someone`s perception of the task in hand could be
So don`t be worried about requests.
Just try to help the good people here to help you....................


AnnCardiff Report 8 Mar 2009 13:36

simple thank you suits me fine!!! don't do it for glory or accollades, just enjoy doing it - and you're right, age has nothing to do with it - the older generaton can be quite rude too!! I speak as an OAP


Joy Report 8 Mar 2009 13:32

A simple thank you is always nice to see.

However, all I really need, after having posted some help, is an acknowledgement so that I know the person has seen it.