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Helen23a Report 21 Apr 2018 18:40

ok, that's really useful, thank you. I will continue adding details to my tree, in the hope that someone else might pick it up??


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Apr 2018 20:01

There are many free members on GR, that's how it started back in 2003 ........

...... you can build a tree, read the Boards but not post, and receive messages to which you can then reply.

You have to be a subscriber to post on the Boards and to send messages.

If you stop paying the sub, GR drops you back down to the Free category, so you can still work on your tree(s). In this case, you can still send messages to people who are in your contact list, ie those you have previously been in touch with via the private messaging (pm) system.


Helen23a Report 20 Apr 2018 19:40

Thanks Everyone, for your pointers. I did mention a common ancestor by name and say what my connection was as I thought that would be polite and effective. Didn't use any automated message (don't even know what these are or how to activate them!) I must say, it hadn't occurred to me that trees would be left for years if someone just loses interest, or dies, or whatever. Don't you have to pay your subscription to receive messages, like you do to send them??

Will keep fingers crossed (have sent a couple more messages today to other likely distant relatives, and hope they will be interested).


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Apr 2018 00:40

Multiple repetitions of reasons :-D

But you get the idea, I hope.

Never give up hope though ................. several people have reported getting a response even years later!


Joseph Report 19 Apr 2018 20:56

Welcome Helen.

Three reason I can think of are:

Interest has waned in the last few years.
They may have let their membership lapse.
They may have died.

I should think there are more.



ErikaH Report 19 Apr 2018 20:48

How long is it since you sent messages?

Did you use the GR automated ones, which most people would ignore?

Have your messages been opened?

Lots of people have added trees then lost interest - or become ill, or died.

Also, if they have changed email and not told GR, they won’t receive notification of your attempt to make contact

If you need help with research, just ask


SylviaInCanada Report 19 Apr 2018 20:48

Welcome Helen

First, you have to realise that GR never deletes a member or trees belonging to a member unless there has been a serious transgression of site rules.

This means that trees will remain for ever and a day unless the member does it personally, or gives a trusted family member or friend the information on how to do.

I have a little black book by my computer with all internet sites, hints on which password to use. OH and my daughter both know about this, and know that there are to go in every site and delete everything to do with me if I become incapacitated or die.

GR has been going since 2003, so there are possible millions and millions and trees on here

Now, first check your SENT messages, and see if any of the messages you sent have actually been opened ............... a green envelope to the left of the name indicates that the message has not yet been opened. No envelope means that the message has been opened.

Reasons for not getting a response ...................

1. Member is incapacitated or dead, but tree has not been removed

2. Member has lost interest, or has no interest in opening messages

3. Member has changed their email address but NOT updated GR with the new address ............... so messages from GR are floating around in the sky.

4. You asked the wrong question ..... may of us will not respond unless sme information is provided as to why YOU think there might be a connection

If you used the standard GR suggested "Open your tree", then it is almost certain that many (if not most) members will ignore that.

If you just said "You have (John Smith) in your tree, so do I." ...... same thing.

You MUST give a reason for why .............. eg, I have (John Smith, born 1765 in Lancaster, married to Mary) in my tree, and I see that you have the same information. I wondered if there might be a connection between our ancestors."


Helen23a Report 19 Apr 2018 19:32

I am new to this but have recently put up quite an extensive tree and there are obviously a number of members who have my direct ancestors in their trees, whole branches in some cases - with all dates/birth places correct. I was quite surprised by this and imagined these common connections would be of interest to these members as well (that is why we are all here, isn't it?) But the messages I have sent so far have not received any response. I am feeling a bit disappointed and wondered if there is something else I should be doing to get this started. Thanks Everyone