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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Annx Report 25 Apr 2024 13:57

Afternoon All,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY THREAD <3 I can't remember when I joined the thread either, but know it was the first time I'd ever posted on a thread and I wondered if anyone would reply! It amazing it is 16 years now, they have passed so quickly.

Thanks for the photos Mel and your chickens look great and nice and clean as AnnG says. I expected them to be a bit, well, scruffy and pecked like battery chickens, but these look really good.

Our night time nibbler has been back. Whatever it is, it has reached into the middle of the pot and even nibbled through the stalks of the tiniest leaves, but just left them where they have fallen in the pot. I carefully pulled back the leaves all around the pot to see if there was a hole where something had made it's home, but could see nothing. I hope it doesn't chew off all of the leaves and then start on the other pot!

How disappointing Jake has now had to put off the painting till Monday AnnG. It seems like he has a good reason this time though with the baby unwell. Fingers crossed he will be able to do it on Monday and that the weather will be fine.

I hope you hear from your GP today Mandy. The toast and marmite is good to have. Hubby loves marmite and I try some every now and again as it is good for us, but I can't manage more than a small slice! I even put half a tsp in gravy sometimes. lol


AnninGlos Report 25 Apr 2024 11:01

wishing the thread a happy birthday <3 <3 <3 Well done Mel for keeping it going for so long. Thanks for the photos, nice clean white chickens!!

Hope you hear from the doc today Mandy

so that is my day mucked up. Once again Jake won't be coming today, he is at the hospital with his little one, the youngest of four. Apparently she was born at 28 weeks and they have quite a few problems with her, apparently she has not been well since her latest jab whichever one that was, she is having trouble with her oxygen levels and her breathing and now has a rash. Jake has to take her while his partner gets the other three to school. He has said he will come Monday now. I won't hold my breath.


MillymollyAmanda Report 25 Apr 2024 10:56

Lovely girls Mel .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Apr 2024 10:29

No not named them yet and don't know if I will as I can't tell them apart same as the old black ones there Mucky Bum and brown collar and smart hen and the brown one is either Tansy or Pansy but I don't know which one of those died.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Apr 2024 10:26

Sent a couple of pics.


MillymollyAmanda Report 25 Apr 2024 10:19

Very cloudy here now looks more like rain .

Just been twice to the loo so I had an imodium and a dioralyte, I think all this going has aggravate my tummy ,I had one round of toast with marmite this morning no butter .

Mel it will be nice to see your new girls and it does sound as if they have settled in well if your getting some nice eggs ,have you named them yet.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Apr 2024 10:08

What a silly thing not to get another doc to ring you if they knew she was'nt going to be in the following day. I hope you hear from soembody today and they can get you sorted. If you've been better yesterday not taking a pill then it sounds like its them that are upsetting you.

I am hoping to get another day without any interuptions as I got on well yesterday, bit of this and that and some gardening. I have also forgotten to send you all a pic of my new girls and yest they are laying well at least two eggs from them each day out of the three. Think I told you they have now found the nest box so I don't have to rake the eggs out from the furthest part of the house floor. They are quite smart looking birds but they do sometimes boss my oldies which I don't like.

Better get on as I am not dressed yet!! faffing around trying to get on the net has put me all behind.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 25 Apr 2024 09:52

<3 <3 <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY THREAD <3 <3 <3


Bright morning first thing but clouding over now 9 degrees and mostly cloudy by the pc.

Now I am going to read your posts.


MillymollyAmanda Report 25 Apr 2024 09:30

Morning all,

Happy Birthday thread gosh 16 years ,I'm not sure what year I joined , in where have those years gone.

I hope I hear from the doctor today I was surprised when she said the doctor wasn't in yesterday she could have told me .
I hope I hear today I should think my test should be back by now.


AnninGlos Report 25 Apr 2024 08:30

Good morning all. 5 degrees so a tad chilly, but dry so far which I hope stays that way as Jake is hoping to do some painting. However he was also supposed to have bought a tin of blue paint. He got the pink before but not the blue. What are the odds that he has not remembered that?

Mandy that is not good is it. If the doctor has an appointment to ring somebody but then goes home and knows they are not going to be in the following day, I think they should inform reception so that another doctor can take the call.

Vera the pots concerned are well away from fence or anything that can be used as a launching pad. I guess we have very athletic slugs or snails. Definitely holes where there were not any before. I think I am going to give up on hostas there now. The ones growing actually in the slate have already been nibbled before growing at all. Until a couple of years ago I had hostas growing there that were beautiful, lots of them. I can't be bothered to fight the slugs any more.


MillymollyAmanda Report 24 Apr 2024 18:07

We had hail this afternoon the sky was so black I thought we were in for a storm .
Just rang the doctors and explained I had rung and why and she yes its gone through to the doctor but she hasn't been in today she's in tomorrow so I have to wait another day .
I didn't have my iron tablet this morning i thought one day won't hurt and my tummy has kept the food down better today .

I wondered if Ann's hostas had been chewed by a squirrel, we had a couple of pots that we had taken plants out and just left the compost in when I forked them over last year it was full of monkey nuts I kept digging one out after another ,poor thing must have had a shock when he tried to dig them up .
I know next door has a box of nuts and when I've looked out the bedroom window I've seen the squirrel lifting the lid and getting the nuts out but they are peanuts without the shell ,they sit on their greenhouse and eat them then hop down for another one .


SuffolkVera Report 24 Apr 2024 17:26

Twice I got the Error message indicating that my post hadn’t gone through but I now see it has posted twice. I’ll delete one of them.


SuffolkVera Report 24 Apr 2024 17:22

I hate marmite. OH loves it and spreads it so thick that he gets through a large pot in no time. He also likes honey and even the smell of that makes me nauseous. I wonder how we ever got married as we seem to be incompatible in most things, lol.

Annx, I have the deluxe version of the Nagometer. It is always fully charged and ready to go at any minute ;-). I hope you can get your squirrel problem sorted. I’m sure your hostas will recover as long as the roots aren’t damaged. They are tough old plants.

I am surprised the copper tape hasn’t worked well for you AnnG. We’ve been using it for years and years now and think it’s great. The only times we’ve had problems is if we’ve put a pot too near a fence or wall that the snails can climb up and miss the tape. I believe they get a bit of an electric shock if they touch the tape which stops them in their tracks. It’s good that Jake will be back tomorrow. I hope the weather lets him get on with painting.

I hope someone from your surgery has rung by now Mandy. If not, you might have to contact them again.

We had our Covid jabs this afternoon and my arm aches already. It was a new vaccine this time called Spikevax. We were only out for 35 minutes and that included a 10 minute walk in each direction so it was very quick. Just as we got to the end of our road on the way back it started raining quite heavily and it was definitely sleety.

I took a pack of mixed fish from the freezer this morning with the idea of having fish pie for dinner so I’d better go and start preparing it.


AnninGlos Report 24 Apr 2024 15:01

Yes Mel, I have always liked marmite.
Mandy I like marmite on cream crackers as well. Hope the doctor rings soon, if not you might need to contact them again.

Ann I sent you a link re the Hostas. Semms it is quite common too.

Just back from lunch at the golf club, the first time I have been in there since September 2020. I found it a bit emotional remembering all the good times. I didn't see any of Tony's old playing buddies but any that are still playing might have finished before we got there. It was very busy as it is a lovely day. 12 degrees but with a very cold breeze. Had ham, egg and chips , too much ham but it was cooked by the chef and really nice and the fries were good as well. And the eggs were runny. with a medium glass of Shiraz £15 very good value.

Just heard from Jake's partner that he can come round tomorrow to do the painting. So it will be good to get that done out of the way.


Annx Report 24 Apr 2024 14:33

Ha ha Mel. He's perked up now and he got a call to say the meeting was cancelled. We need to fetch some more migraleve from the chemist next as he has run out and is worried in case there is a shortage of them.

The general consensus is we have a squirrel and, if so, I think maybe one dropped a peanut in the plant and it was trying to reach it, so nibbled through some of the leaf stems to get at it.

The lock man has been and oiled the lock linkage and adjusted the door at the hinge and it seems better so we'll see how that goes.

That was a strange dream Mel, a bit like some I get to do with toilets! Are the white girls performing?

OH is ready for the off so I'd better get ready.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 24 Apr 2024 12:42

I like the 'Nagometer' I don't need one of those now but there again it may come in useful with BIL.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 24 Apr 2024 12:39

I missed Anng's post this morning so we have another Marmite fan do we?


Annx Report 24 Apr 2024 12:21

Morning All,

I've been up and showered since 7.15am as the man is coming to look at our new front door lock today as it keeps catching. He could be here anytime between 8.00am and 5.00pm so it could be a long and useless day, as I can't settle to anything or be outside till he's been. Why oh why they can't at least say am or pm I don't know.

OH had a migraine last night, then this morning he had a dream about having a migraine and woke up to find he was actually having one. So I left him slumbering in bed while he left me to deal with the door lock man when he comes. There is always some reason I seem to be left to deal with workmen. He says they respond much better to me, but I think that's an excuse so he doesn't need to be involved! I have reminded him that dehydration can trigger migraines too, so he's decided he needs a lifestyle overhaul now! lol. That may last a few days if we're lucky, so I'll have to threaten him with a 'nagometer'. :-D

I've sent pics of my Hosta and the fallen leaves. I can only think it must be another bunny. Yes, we have the Pigeons back in the garden AnnG and there were 2 out there this morning. They have never bothered with the Hostas before though. The Hosta by the bungalow wall is ok, but anything coming close to that would trigger the security light.

Better go and heat up a home made ready meal from the freezer now as OH has a zoom meeting before long. I hope this chap doesn't turn up in the middle. BBL.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 24 Apr 2024 12:19

O had a text this morning about the covid jab and mines on the 17th May.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 24 Apr 2024 12:18

O good some of you are about. Glad you hav'nt been this morning.Have you tried having a little orange juice on your cornflakes, it would wet them down a bit and if its no dairy you could maybe have some vitalite on your crakers. I love Marmite as did our Frank.

It came over really black a while ago just as I was going to go to the post vanthen we had a few spots and then the sun came out again but the breeze is freezing. its 11 degrees and pc says mostly cloudy.

I got some crumpets out of the freezer last night and the wrapping had vacumed on them squeezing them tight. The looked awful but I have just eaten three of them and they were fine. They were Warburtons crumpets but I have never had that happen before.

Its our big birthday tomorrow 16 years we have been going. :-D :-D :-D