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Allan journey. mark 2 feel free to add to it

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nameslessone Report 27 Sep 2019 20:39

.... it can only be Count Duckula......


nameslessone Report 27 Sep 2019 20:21

..... it looked as though there was some sort of creature coming towards wearing, what looked like, a long black cape....


MotownGal Report 27 Sep 2019 08:31

'Now then,' began Dr Frank, with his thumbs in his waistcoat pockets 'listen close. I say what I like, and I like what I say!'

Allan and OH felt the cold hand of dread resting on their shoulders. There had been enough twists and turns in this tale of woe without listening to Dr Frank.

They turned on their heels, and went off double quick.

As they walked along the road a mist descended, which quickly turned into a fog. A real pea souper some might say. The yellow haze of the gas mantle lamps did little to dissuade them they had entered a time warp again...……………..


Allan Report 26 Sep 2019 22:11

Dr Frank Einstein who was then serving as a Member of Parliament for the Monster Raving Loony Party.

Nothing much changes in the UK political scene except that rather than just a single party, the entire 'democratic government' other wise known as the Mother of all Parliaments, has been taken over by the Raving Loonys and to hell with the express wishes of majority of its citizens

*Note* Loonys has been spelt that way deliberately so as not to confuse it with the word loonies, which I understand is what the new Canadian dollar is known as :-S


Caroline Report 26 Sep 2019 16:01

will this crazy journey take another twist into the weird and wonderful minds of the Genes members :-D

Allan decided he needed help ..... and who else to call but.....


nameslessone Report 26 Sep 2019 11:33

Will Long Distance Laura have room for a couple of Hitchhikers or.......


MotownGal Report 25 Sep 2019 18:56

Indeed waving furiously was Long Distance Clara.


nameslessone Report 25 Sep 2019 18:54

Once his eyes got accustomed to the gloom Allan realised there were racks and racks of outfits.

He could be a doctor, a spaceman, a fireman, a business man, a farmer - all sorts of things.

Whilst he decided his OH was distracted by the pigeons in the block of flats opposite.


MotownGal Report 25 Sep 2019 18:39

Allan opened his eyes and saw the cat sitting on his chest.

But it was not the cat from the Gorge. It was Bagpuss.

Two black beady eyes also stared down at him, Professor Yaffle, Madeleine the ragdoll, and the mice from the Marvellous Mechanical Mouse Organ.

Emily was busy unlocking the shop, and took Allan and OH into the gloom.


Allan Report 24 Sep 2019 21:42

They stumbled on, not knowing where they were going, nor which way was up.

Allan suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. He slowly turned his head to the right (it actually had a left-hand thread) and there at the side of the road was a grin, just a grin.

Ever so slowly the grin metamorphosed into a pink and purple striped cat which gave him a wink and said 'Of course, we're all mad here, and I'm no exception!'

Just before he fainted, Allan remembered thinking that this was a novel experience for him and his wife


MotownGal Report 24 Sep 2019 19:04

OH was not very happy with how Saucy Nancy was giving Allan the eye. She stormed up to Nancy, turned her around and gave her a push. As we know, Nancy is on wheels, and trundled along the path into the pigsty. Aunt Sally gave a snort, and decided to show Allan and OH the direction to the main road.

Allan decided it wasn't the yellow brick road, but something of a darker variety....


Caroline Report 24 Sep 2019 18:37

"Now how did that 'appen?" thought Allan...then he shook his head and remembered anything can happen on Allans travels.
"Thank goodness I didn't book with Thomas Cook" thought Allan.."Then I'd really be in a pickle"

Allan wisely decided none too soon to leg it....but speed wasn't what he was famous for........


MotownGal Report 24 Sep 2019 08:13

'Worzeeeeeel' screamed Aunt Sally. Very annoyed to have things thrown at her.

Running to her rescue came Worzel, Saucy Nancy, The Crowman, Sargeant Beetroot, Mrs Bloomsbury-Barton other assorted characters.

Suddenly Allan and OH realised they were on Scatterbrook Farm.


Allan Report 23 Sep 2019 21:40

Aunt Sally.


Caroline Report 23 Sep 2019 18:16

Allan grabbed the coconuts and threw them....hitting......


Allan Report 22 Sep 2019 22:05

Not wishing to be RR'd we shall leave the perverted peeking duck to its own devices!

Further down the beach they spotted a figure fast approaching them. As the figure hove into view Allan and his OH were astounded to see that it was wearing what looked like a kaftan and with a pointy hat on his head.

Even closer now, they could make out the misspelt word 'Wizzard' on the pointy hat.

Allan relaxed, it was only Rincewind coming to reclaim his luggage.


MotownGal Report 22 Sep 2019 10:21

dare I say it.

A peeking duck. ;-) ;-) ;-)

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 22 Sep 2019 09:53

2 Coconuts..... but wait, what was that lurking deeper down in the trunk ?


MotownGal Report 22 Sep 2019 08:54

Not so! A thinking head who went Walkabout has come back to roost. ;-)

Allan put on his thinking cap. It promptly slipped over his ears, and eyes. Now that it was dark he could think. Yes think clearly and precisely.

Whilst thinking, Allan decided to pace around. Blindly as it happened, as he was in the dark.

Allan fell over a large wooden trunk, half buried in the sand.

Whipping off his thinking hat, he noticed the wood was somewhat rotten. He opened the lid, he peered in, and saw...……...


Allan Report 21 Sep 2019 21:39

Both plans were doomed to fail as this thread is withering on the vine :-(