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Brexit v no Brexit

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UzziAndHerDogs Report 26 May 2019 22:43

Rollo the red, yes I can see you with a red setter as that is what your name reminds me of.

Joy it will make a difference to the animal passport as it is already doing, maybe not in the end for owned pets but for us to transport rescues we are already seeing a back lash.

maggie I actually voted once for that raving monster loony party only because I didn't want to lose my vote and the other party's didn't have any vodka :-D :-D :-D


JoyBoroAngel Report 26 May 2019 21:55

Uzzi It wont make any difference to Animals with passports :-D


RolloTheRed Report 26 May 2019 19:07

My OH regularly travelled between Spain and France in the 1970s with a Red Setter. The only requirement was that the dog was tatooed ( no chipping then ) and the carnet for jabs was up to date. Spain was not even a EU member at the time.

No other European country has ever run a scheme as draconian as that implemented in the UK, There have been temporary suspensions on account of rabies but that is all.

While working in Paris early 1990s our team had to transfer to the USA for several months, A colleague had no great difficulty in taking her two dogs with her, neither was there any problem when she returned with the dogs to Paris.

The adoption of PETS has made it possible to have a common set of rules but it has not changed anything v much for most pet owners except of course Brits whose govt applies them far more riguor than anybody else.

fwiw BREXIT threatens to destroy horse racing in W Europe. The GGs are a massive industry creating a large number of well paid and interesting jobs mainly in the UK, France and ROI. Talking Horses.


maggiewinchester Report 26 May 2019 18:09

Ah Pet Passports.

A manifesto pledge by the Monster Raving Loony Party in 1983.

First introduced in 2001, when a number of European Union countries introduced the PETS scheme, under which animals from any member country may freely travel (with the correct procedure) to any other member country on approved carriers.
It has since been rolled out to some non European countries


RolloTheRed Report 26 May 2019 17:35

Cameron put an embargo on any kind of planning for a referendum exit vote.
The Leave side, controlled by Aaron Banks, decided that they would not have any kind of plan which could be pulled to pieces , "just leave".
The lack of planning was not accidental.
Any attempt to inform was greeted as "Project Fear" while the BBC was so anxious to a be seen to be impartial that it abandoned its legal duty "to inform ..." and managed to fall off both sides of the fence at once.

I quite agree with Uzzi's cry for our furry friends. However the amount of social injury that brexit could cause and is already causing is something that politicians of all stripes + the media simply do not want to talk about.


Rambling Report 26 May 2019 16:54

As i have said elsewhere, whether you voted for or against brexit, there should have been an actual plan in place before a referendum, as close to a consensus which all parties could agree on as possible, as focused on all the issues and the 'what might happen'. But there wasn't.

So now sadly people who shouldn't have to, will suffer the consequences of that and some of those who DO deserve to suffer the consequences are so comfortable it really won't impinge on them over much.

;-) I feel a rant coming on so will exit stage right >>>>>


RolloTheRed Report 26 May 2019 16:52

The 6 months quarantine nonsense was a creation of the British govt NOT other EU countries which operated - and still operate - a far more liberal regime. For instance a French person can take their dog on holiday to Spain without ANY of the hoopla and expense of "Pet Passports" . You need the dog to be chipped and have the carnet showing that jabs are up to date and that's it.

Thus post brexit (if it happens) the UKGovt could bring in a similar scheme to the rest of the EU ( which also includes USA Canada Australia) . They could even do it now.

They won't pf course because the Daily Mail believes that mad dogs and Englishman begin and end at Calais.

Much as I am opposed to brexit the whole issue of "Pet Passports" is a consequence of British absrurdity not EU membership as such. It is true that "Pet Passports" were only introduced as it looked likely that the UK would lose a case at Strasbourg which argue that people's pets were "family members" and therefore entitled to travel with the rest of the family.

The current scheme might be ok for an annual holoday but is totally impractical for frequent travellers and short duration stays.


UzziAndHerDogs Report 26 May 2019 16:18

Have any you dog lovers thought about how you are now going to take the precious pooch on holiday.
Has anybody ever thought how we as a shelter will manage.

No you havenĀ“t and why should you. Just think do really want to your baby in quarantine for 6mths every time you travel. If the Uk leaves with a no deal it will become A 3rd world which means for your dog PRISON