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My Dad

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Barbra Report 24 Jul 2019 20:25

My Dad had his own Busines for a while when I came out of School he would pick me up &I would go on delivery with him loved it my Mum would give you everything she had I was very lucky to have Great Parents not a lot of money about but they were very loving & caring that meant a lot .I count my blessings now & always have done Barbara
Hope you feel better soon .

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 24 Jul 2019 16:45

My Dad was out at work until the evening, so it was Mum who did a lot of the day to day parenting. She was very good at taking us out , often with other childhood friends for picnics etc. She could be quite fiery, but very caring.
Dad was much more placid, but we certainly knew if he was displeased, because we would get 'the look'.
I remember one occasion, when my sister was really cross about something at home and flounced off through to her bedroom slamming the living room door behind her.
Dad calmly called her back, she came.
"Now go through that door quietly" was all he said.


AnninGlos Report 24 Jul 2019 12:50

Lol My Parents (and subsequently myself) were Baptists and members of the local Baptist church. Whenever meetings were held to discuss church business, my Mum would hold her breath when anything controversial was discussed as she knew there was nothing my Dad liked better than standing up and putting his viewpoint which was usually to the point but never brief.


Tawny Report 24 Jul 2019 11:04

Sitting here with my leg up I started thinking. My dad is now 65 and has always been known for being what was seen as cheeky. Around 1966 when my dad was 12 he stood up in his maths class and told the teacher he had the wrong answer to problem he was trying to teach them. The maths teacher handed my dad the chalk and told him to prove it which my dad did. He has always been like this and it reminded me of an incident with one of the neighbours of a property they rented for six months while the house was being finished. The door goes and it’s the neighbour who immediately launches into “your cat gave my cat an abscess” My dad responded by saying he would ask the cat which of course excited the neighbour further. It turns out though that the neighbour hadn’t actually seen a cat fight only his cat the following morning with a bite from another cat. What do others most remember about their parents?