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I've been away for a few days

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maggiewinchester Report 4 Sep 2019 23:21

I suppose I should be grateful she was 'overprotective', but I told her it was more than their normal intake.
If they don't eat their canned food, I never bother - they're not going to starve themselves and they get sachets in the evening. In the wild cats regularly don't eat.
I thought the lovely lady - who was a volunteer in a cat rescue centre - would understand cats, and their foibles.
The problem with her 'overprotectiveness', is that she takes her own cats to the vet at the slightest provocation :-0
Betty would be terrified.

I looked up 'cat pulling out fur' on the internet.
Apparently, your vet will give them a great variety of tests to check whether it's a medical problem (filling their till at a rapid rate), and if they find nothing wrong (your bank account is empty), offer 'suggestions' like - it's hot, they're stressed, they're old and a pain in the rear, (or they're Betty, who does it every summer because her other name is Violet Elizabeth Bott!)!
I can rule out things like lice (as George would have them too) mange (because she's pulling the fur out - and it's from the bottom up) and I always de-flea them.
I know she's allergic to 'thunderbugs' - as I am.
However, it's always the same time of year, about midge time.

I once took a cat to the vet with a stomach tumour - both her mother and uncle had had one (hereditary?), so I knew the signs. I told the vet what I thought it was.
The vet asked her age, felt her stomach and diagnosed Kidney disease! (We vets can keep your cat uncomfortably alive for quite a few hundred pounds with Kidney medication)
I asked when kidneys had re-located to the stomach?
She quickly changed her tune and agreed tumour.


JoyBoroAngel Report 4 Sep 2019 08:57

All Cats know a soft touch when they see one :-D :-D

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 4 Sep 2019 00:42

I guess they 'played' her Maggie lol

I am sure you will soon get them back on track



maggiewinchester Report 2 Sep 2019 23:40

I don't think they refused food - I think they were fed too much!
I left a can out for each day, and piles of sachets with 4 of the same flavour (2 each, which is what they sometimes eat if they didn't like their can of food)
I also filled their bowls of dried food up - they rarely eat this.

When I got home, the sachets were where I'd left them, and only one can had been used. There was also a new pack of dried food open, and 2 open boxes of sachets on the side..
The lady had found the cupboard of cat food! :-0
I think the cats had left some of their canned food, (quite a common occurrence) so, instantly panicking, not logically thinking 'well they don't like beef, let's try lamb' she had fed them just sachets. :-(


JoyBoroAngel Report 2 Sep 2019 22:33

We always have a Sitter when we go away
I can predict Steve is sat on the telephone stand
waiting to greet us as we walk through the door
Scarlett is sat on the windowsill
pretending not to care
and Touchwood is in the hall
waiting to trip us up as we come through the door
Dobby will be at the kitchen door Tail wagging for England

None have refused food while we have been away :-D :-D :-D

I am so pleased your cats are ok on your return :-D :-D :-D


maggiewinchester Report 2 Sep 2019 16:45

No 'presents', fortunately, Sylvia. :-D


SylviaInCanada Report 2 Sep 2019 03:51

hope they didn't leave any homecoming presents for you


maggiewinchester Report 2 Sep 2019 01:22

A lovely lady comes in to feed and fuss over my cats.
Betty (AKA Violet Elizabeth Bott) a long-haired cat (by accident, rather than design) has, due to the heat, and an allergic reaction to almost anything, pulled a lot of her fur out, though with the application of 'things' (chemicals) the itching and fur pulling has stopped.
I realised, where we were, I had no phone access, so, using a phone that DID have connection, I phoned the lady feeding my cats on Friday.
Apparently, Betty (a 'midget' cat) was losing weight and not eating, and not wanting any attention from this lovely lady.
Actually, she'll eat her brother George's food - so it's more likely George isn't eating.
Got home today.
Betty's fur had grown, but felt awful. However, she was straight over for a brush - instant change in her fur.
George (who I rarely saw when it was hot - he prefers sheltering in my overgrown undergrowth of a garden) was howling at me as I got out of the car, and on the gate, which made it difficult to get into my garden to the front door.
He's spent the evening not leaving me alone.
I've tried to unpack, but both cats have esconced themselves in my bags - it's like they don't want me to go away again!
I give them 2 days before I'm treated with the contempt they usually show me!