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Easy Jet no self distancing on board

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RolloTheRed Report 19 Jun 2020 12:15

"From what RTR says, people in quarantine are allowed, or take time out, from quarantine to go shopping."

No, they are not supposed to leave the designated address but there is very little validation. Indeed the TTI system has lost track of 35% of people who have had a +ve result in the usual way let alone quarantine arrivals - who are not checked for temp. and other symptoms. There is no follow up or recording of patients who recover including young people even though long term follow up is crucial.

All in all UK TTI is a massive shambles. Putting Dido Harding (ex TalkTalk boss resp for massive data loss, overbilling and assotrted other failures) as TTI boss has to be somebody's idea of a v bad joke. Poss D Cummings ?

I used to think that the UK would be the first ever country to deliberately crash its econoomy into a state similar to that of a wartime defeat aka brexit. Now a more likely cause of disaster looks to be mishandling of corvid-19. So far corvid excess deaths are only just short of total UK civilian deaths due to enemy action 1939-1945.

Nevertheless the UK av transmission rate has been lowered to 3 which will be used to further relax. Boris Goes to Hollywood.


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Jun 2020 20:20

Your 14 quarantine for people arriving in the UK is a joke to people in other countries. I can only really talk details about Canada, but European countries were on total lock down and quarantine very early, so was China. The US also started earlier than the UK, although they started later than they should have, because they have a denier of covid as leader.

It started far too late in the UK

Canada had 14 day quarantine for citizens, residents AND non-residents arriving back in Canada from the US and other foreign countries starting in mid-March.

From what RTR says, arriving passengers are allowed to take public transit home

In Canada ............... NO, NO, NO. A taxi is allowed IF they will allow you in their cab. If the arriving passenger cannot arrange a pick-up (or a car dropped off for them by a friend or relation), they have to go to government-designated hotel accommodation for 14-day lock down or until they can arrange "acceptable" transport home or arranged accommodation. It may be possible for them to rent a car, and that is allowed.

That has to be done at the arrival point in Canada, no landing in eg Vancouver and taking another plane to Toronto or to a small airport on the same province.

From what RTR says, people in quarantine are allowed, or take time out, from quarantine to go shopping.

In Canada, NO, NO, NO. They have to be in quarantine for the full 14 days, arrange for friends or family to shop and drop off at the door, with no contact, or order on line with contact-less delivery. No going outside the boundary of house and garden, confined to room in a hotel.

Not much checking according to RTR

In Canada ....... NO,NO, NO.

Regular check-ups, maybe mostly by phone but at least 1 personal visit, but temperature checks and checking of any symptoms ARE done.

Of course, quarantine in a government-arranged accommodation is also paid for by the government. In BC at least (not sure about other provinces), the public is kept aware of the number and cost of people in such quarantine ............. in 4 weeks in May, approximately 110 people were in or had been in 14 day quarantine in a hotel, cost $20,000. Numbers of course changed every day, as people entered quarantine, left after a few days when they managed to arranged approved transport and quarantine arrangements, or completed the 14 days.

Wearing masks is basically up to the individual, although the various levels of government are beginning to mandate places where masks must be worn.

Federal Transport Agency mandated masks must be worn on planes and trains about 4 weeks ago, but that followed weeks after VIA Train company mandated masks for passengers as well as crew, and some airlines also mandated the use before the Feds.

For the record, the following are covid cases in Canada from February

we have just passed the 100,000 mark for country-wide cases of covid.

just over 62,200 people have recovered

Almost 8,300 people have died

Ontario and Quebec have had the majority of cases

People in care homes and assisted living have been more affected, with almost half the cases linked to such place.

BC has an excellent Provincial Health Official, who has previously been involved with epidemics from Ebola to SARS and MERS. She ordered isolation, spacing etc in early March. As a result, we have been less affected.

Total cases ............ 2,775

Recovered .............. 2,422

Died .......................... 168

In hospital ................ 11

In ICU ........................ 5

Several other provinces have been affected even less ................ New Brunswick for example closed its borders to other provinces and to the US in late March.

The border with the US is closed for another month ........... extension fo previous 2 month closure announced earlier this week.

Flights from other countries limited.


RolloTheRed Report 18 Jun 2020 19:20

Modern trains have A/C which continually brings in fresh air.
Airliners get their fresh air supply by a bleed from the engine air intake. One result of this is allegations of bad reactions due to trace chemicals from the engine. Otherwise the air is fresh enough and there is no reason other than ca$h not to have at least 1m distancing and masks. Even that would mean flying half full.

Without real fresh air the passengers and crw would die of hypoxia. This has happened notably with an air crash in Greece

For Brits who decide to jet off ( there are flights) on return the 14 days quarantene amounts to promising to go home and stay there (public transport ok) with the remote poss. f a phone call ( mobile nos accepted ) . One of my OH customers is just back from Spain. He stays at home except for half an hour shopping in a busy neighbourhood store every evening! Unreal.

I found the lockdown boring, irritating and extremely bad for the bottom line. I find the new easy peasy regime terrifying. The government is flying blind.


BrianW Report 18 Jun 2020 19:00

Strikes me as a bit pointless trying to social distance on a plane where the air is recirculated with a limited amount of fresh air brought in.

Similar situation to a long distance train where doors are only opened every 100 miles or so. Not so bad on a slow train stopping every 10 minutes.


Florence61 Report 18 Jun 2020 18:45

Oh my what next!

Florence in the hebrides


Kuros Report 18 Jun 2020 11:23

My son flew back to Heathrow from Thailand where he's been working the day before quarantine started on a flight that started in Taiwan. There were no masks worn on the plane, every seat was full and there was a full cabin service.



SylviaInCanada Report 18 Jun 2020 00:54

It appears that NONE of the airlines are truly spatially distancing passengers. In fact, many of them, including the largest ones are not doing much more than keeping the middle seat vacant ....... but even then they will open them for use if they decide to cancel one flight and add those passengers to another going to the same place.

They are protecting their crew by much reducing service onboard .......... only bottled water and snacks (like nuts) being served in Economy or Premium economy, and not much more in Business of First Class .......... only pre-packaged meals, not heated.

There was a report online a couple of weeks ago from a travel blogger who had to go to NY from London, flew Business Class, all he was given for the roughly 5 hour flight was a bag of tangerines!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go to the airline, and check what they say they are doing.

It's quite amazing what is NOT being done.


maggiewinchester Report 17 Jun 2020 23:41

I caught a bus yesterday.
Not only did we have to wear masks, the maximum number of passengers was 10, and there were ticks and crosses indicating where you could sit! :-S


Florence61 Report 17 Jun 2020 23:25

Well I certainly wouldn't for now anyway. I mean in restaurants and pubs etc, you will have to seat the tables 2m apart so how does this not apply on the plane??


ZZzzz Report 17 Jun 2020 23:18

Maybe people won’t fly with them if thats the case.


Florence61 Report 17 Jun 2020 22:52

I have just been on the tel to a friend who was telling me that Easy Jet are filling their planes and not self distancing. All the crew and passengers have to wear face masks as per.

But why is it then the rest of businesses have to obey the 2m rule?

The airline along with others said, if they self distance on board they cant afford to fly the plane with about 1/3 of passengers.

Florence in the Hebrides :-S