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Pee'd Off

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Elizabethofseasons Report 19 Jun 2020 12:14

Dear Brian and All


The other side of the grass is always greener.

It would appear that most people using social media are happy, outgoing, successful and with lots of friends. Everyone else looks as if they have a fantastic social life, online or not

Ahem. Nothing is further from the truth.

In your local community there will probably be a good neighbour scheme or something similar that needs you. Think of all the skills you have gained at jobs
and the personal qualities you have to offer.

Could you become a debt counsellor? Mentoring?

In our part of the community, we only have about 6 of us for the neighbours group usually.

During the pandemic, everyone needed each other.

I think you actually want to help people and there is big difference.

The very best of luck.

Take gentle care and travel safely.
Best wishes
Elizabeth, EOS


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Jun 2020 21:12

I'm not that surprised.

I joined Friends Reunited back in 2003, before I joined GR. It was back in the early days when the stated aim was to help reconnect school and work friends, and just after I'd got access to the internet

So really, a bit the same as trying to re-make or maintain contact during the covid crisis.

I made contact through FR with several high school friends and one or two from university.

Several responded once to my contact, never again. One responded twice, then never again.

That's when I realised that the few people that I was still in contact with from both places wee actually the ones that I wanted to keep.

Most of the others were just in the same year, even if that was for 4 or 7 years! We'd never really had much in common back then.

I was disappointed that one girl on FR who had been in the "gang of 4" of us for the 7 years we were at high school never responded at all ............... her contact on FR was through her husband who she had met at university. I tried a couple of times, but never knew whether he had actually told her, or whether they were even still on FR.

The last time I saw her was on High Street in our home town 2 years after she went to university, pushing a pram. She'd married in a hurry and dropped out of university. Bit of a surprise! I'd wondered why she had stopped writing or contacting me.

It hasn't even worked now with relations ...............

we're now the senior generation over here. Two nieces and 1 nephew, all married with families. The two nieces always in contact, one more often than the other. The nephew hardly ever.

I emailed the two girls early on ............. the one who usually keeps regular contact replied once, then never responded to my second. The other never responded.

Granted all have children under the age of 12, so would be busy with them. But still ..........!


AnninGlos Report 18 Jun 2020 18:44

I wonder Iran if they don’t know how to join, I, for example don’t have a we. Cam on my desk top. Oh ‘borrowed it’. To do his zoom meeting and is still using it. However it would have been friendly to contact you to explain. I do find that females are better than males at keeping in touch. However. I keep in touch with lots of people on a nostalgia site for the town I grew up in. Have you looked to see if there is a similar group for where you grew up.


BrianW Report 18 Jun 2020 17:44

Some years ago I dug out a junior school class photo from 1957.

Had a couple of contacts and with their help managed to put names to about a third of the faces.

Got it out again a few weeks back to relieve the boredom of lockdown, managed to make a few more contacts and add some names.

Set up a Zoom meeting for this afternoon and invited everyone, about six, to log in.

Two of them sent apologies before the meeting time, no-one else joined.

Really fed up with lack of social life. So far this year just one person has rung for a social chat.

I'm convinced that when I pop my clogs, even if after the virus is history,
my funeral party will have nobody other than my wife and kids.