Devon Baptisms

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What do Devon Baptism records contain?

You can now search for your Devon ancestors in 363,015 parish baptism records

These baptism records cover the period 1813-1839.

The earliest register found to date is from Plymouth St Budeaux and dates back to 1538. Some of the earliest registers were recorded in Latin.

Parish registers recorded three main events: Baptisms, Marriages (or Banns) and Burials. Depending on the date and Parish, some Baptism registers recorded the parents’ names, location and occupation on the father.

Marriages or banns can be complicated. Banns were called before a wedding took place, but sometimes banns would be called and the marriage never took place. Information included usually contains names of both parties, ages, locations and occupation. Some banns also include details of the bride and grooms fathers.

Burial registers tend to be basic giving just the name of the deceased. Not all churches had churchyards, so not all parishes will have burial registers.