Rhoda's Blog

Top tip - Genes Reunited blogs

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  • We regularly add blogs covering a variety of topics. You can add your own comments at the bottom.
  • The Genes Reunited Team will be writing blogs and keeping you up to date with changes happening on the site.
  • In the future we hope to have guest bloggers that will be able to give you tips and advice as to how to trace your family history.
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New Scottish Census

New Scottish census records

Do you have Scottish ancestors?

Perhaps you do and you just didn't know! Search our brand new Scottish census records today and discover if you have Scottish roots.

Search Scottish Census


Published on 16 Jun 2011 16:00 : wood : 9 comments : 12740 views

A recent visit to see my parents ended up in us all glued to Genes Reunited, as we were adding into my tree a few more details about my Dad's family. The very recent discovery about Chester Wood needed updating and we started to look again into the details of Dad's grandparents. Rumour in the family suggests that Ella, Dad's Grandma was a kept woman, as her husband, Arthur wasn't a ‘family' man. We had their basic details, but we wanted to try and find Ella and Arthur's marriage certificate, as there was uncertainty in the family that a marriage actually took place. We drew a blank, even using variance searches for their names, especially for Ella Trautmann - you can imagine the potential spellings!

Despite researching for about a year, I'd still consider myself to be a beginner, so I posted a message on the ‘find ancestors' message board to see if any of the genes members could help me. Within ten minutes I'd had a couple of responses asking for a few further details. No one could find the Wood / Trautmann record, but I did receive a message from a lady who had done quite extensive research on the Wood family, namely Albert Burton Wood, Arthur's Dad. I was absolutely blown away by what happened next...

I received a personal message from a member, who wasn't aware that there was a ‘Wood' branch of the family from Arthur, who is my third cousin. Not only that but the research around Albert Wood confirmed that he was a man of society, suggesting that Ella Trautmann was in fact the kept woman we have been led to believe. I was pointed in the direction of a picture and further information about Albert, and it's the first photo I have seen of my Great Great Grandad.

I also discovered that I am named after my Great Great Auntie Rhoda Wood (Albert's sister). On calling my Dad about this discovery he was amazed - as he had never heard of Rhoda Wood and had always maintained that it was a pretty name he liked.

I've shared my tree with my third cousin, who has reciprocated and we are working together, with the help from a few members, to establish the true relationship between Ella and Arthur, and find that elusive marriage certificate if there is in fact one.

My experience of family history this week has just been overwhelming. Typically, it's thrown up lots of questions, and time doesn't permit me to sit and explore the family every day, which at the moment is incredibly frustrating. It is however, incredible to learn that there is a familial link with my name, and that Dad's maternal family has living relatives who are also researching the family. I can't quite describe that feeling other than I've had a very real ‘goosebump moment'.


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by Leanne on 18 Jul 2011 09:42 : Report Abuse
Thank you, if you have had minor luck then there is hope for the rest of us. Happy searching from Australia
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by AnninGlos on 21 Jul 2011 17:32 : Report Abuse
I have only just seen this. What an exciting find and I'm wondering if you have prgressed any more in the last month. It is always good to know that the GR Team are actually interested in Family history as well as working for GR. So it is not hopefully 'just a job'.
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by LadyKira on 16 Feb 2012 20:26 : Report Abuse
I am planning on coming to WDYTYA live so hope to meet with you there. It will be interesting to see what progress you have made.
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by Ian on 7 Aug 2012 21:57 : Report Abuse
Your New tree is not very good.....Terribly slow and cumbersome....

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by Elizabeth Anne on 7 Nov 2012 14:20 : Report Abuse
its the missing pieces we find that open up that blank wall and it is so exiting when you have another part of the jigsaw puzzle......never give up on your research .......sometimes you find you go for a long long time without adding to your tree and then you are contacted by another member of genes reunited and you are up and running again.

good luck in searching and one day your jigsaw will be finished.....

anne :-D
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by Florence on 22 Nov 2012 05:28 : Report Abuse
My experience with GR has been quite exciting although it has slowed down recently. I just haven't had the time to spend on it.

I have been uploading photos on Keepsafe and neglected to note most of them as 'to be viewed by everyone', and I cannot find where to do that as a ' select all' rather than do it labourously one by one. I can select all but is there a way of editing all at once?

I seem unable to find a spot to ask this questio0n of the staff either so chose your blog in the hope that you can point me in the right direction. Thank you in anticipation.

Regards (Florence) Miriam Lehmann.
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by David on 25 Nov 2012 12:10 : Report Abuse
! used to be a Genes Reunited customer and have a family tree but I have not used your service for quite a while. I have changed my E-Mail and password since then but my Membership No 1875046. Is it possible to put my new E-Mail and password onto the tree so I am duplicating another tree Thank You David Brownley
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by David on 27 Jan 2013 15:38 : Report Abuse
Thanks for the stories about finding your ancestors,they were a
very good find,you never know what you are going to find round the next corner. By the way the Family Trees are a a bit
difficult to manage,they keep moving about a lot,at the moment it has gone off the screen,hope it returns soon David.F. :-S
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by David on 27 Jan 2013 15:38 : Report Abuse
Thanks for the stories about finding your ancestors,they were a
very good find,you never know what you are going to find round the next corner. By the way the Family Trees are a a bit
difficult to manage,they keep moving about a lot,at the moment it has gone off the screen,hope it returns soon David.F. :-S