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School Trips

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SylviaInCanada Report 18 Jul 2018 19:51

In my last year at junior school, we went on a week's trip to stay in a holiday camp somewhere on the south east coast, I have Lowestoft in my mind but no idea whether that was correct. I can't remember how we went, but I do remember very clearly that we stayed in wooden cabins that were just behind sand dunes and that we spent a lot of time on the beach ............... neat as this was 1950/51!

I remember losing a pair of new white socks that I had washed and hung on the railing of the cabin to dr (they were replaced by a ratty old pair!), and that I got a bad cut near my knee from some barbed wire that was hidden in sand in the dunes .,............. probably left over from the war. I still have the scar from that cut.

In high school, I went on a week's trip to Stratford-on-Avon in 4th form, along with the Lower 6th Form. We stayed in a Youth Hostel, went on trips around and to the theatre on several nights

Then I went on a skiing trip to Austria at Christmas of my year in Lower 6th, and on a trip that summer to Yugoslavia. Both of those involved train travel.

In my Upper 6th, I went on a field trip to the Isle of Raasey ........ train and ferry travel involved in getting to the island. We stayed in the wonderful, old mansion that had just been turned into a hotel, and spent all our time outside looking for plants and animals.

My parents didn't have much money, but I had worked on Saturdays from the age of 12, and used that money to pay some of the costs of the European trips, but no idea how Mum & Dad found the rest.

My daughter had a 2 week trip to Japan in Grade 10, doing a mix of home stay and staying in a monastery, and that cost us rather a lot of money! She also had lots of day trips around the city, with the cost being covered by the school apart from bus fares .............. and she had a monthly Student Concession card.